информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Charleston, S.C.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Charleston, S.C. (4282)

records per page
# Name
901 Daniel, John. 1753-1753. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
902 Daniell, John. 1729-1747. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
903 Daniell, Lewis. 1809-1819. Charleston, S.C.. lumberyard proprietor --
904 Daray & Fawavet. 1797-1797. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
905 Darby, Artemas B.. 1792-1820. Charleston, S.C.. surveyor --
906 Darby, Daniel. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --shipwright or boat builder --
907 Darby, J.. 1816-1816. Charleston, S.C.. silver plater --
908 Darby, John. 1797-1822. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
909 Darby, William (d.c.1795). 1795-1795. Charleston, S.C.. paint manufacturer --painter --
910 Darby, William. 1768-1788. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
911 Darby, William. 1790-1798. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
912 Darke, William. 1773-1774. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --
913 Darr, Peter. 1795-1822. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --
914 Davanne, John (d.c.1801). 1801-1801. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
915 David, (slave). 1777-1781. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
916 David, (slave). 1781-1781. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
917 David, (slave). 1798-1798. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
918 David, (slave). 1813-1813. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
919 David, (slave)(SHREWSBURY,EDW.. 1821-1821. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer apprentice --
920 David, Charles. 1809-1819. Charleston, S.C.. upholsterer --paperhanger --mattress maker --
921 Davis, (Regnault &). 1817-1817. Charleston, S.C.. paperhanger --
922 Davis, David. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
923 Davis, George. 1761-1772. Charleston, S.C.. carver --
924 Davis, Jacob. 1819-1832. Charleston, S.C.. painter --sign or herald painter --chair painter --pai
925 Davis, James. 1787-1790. Charleston, S.C.. painter --
926 Davis, Jane. 1790-1794. Charleston, S.C.. bandbox maker --
927 Davis, John. 1808-1808. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
928 Davis, Thomas B.. 1818-1821. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
929 Davis, William G.. 1813-1816. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
930 Davis, William. 1763-1770. Charleston, S.C.. surveyor --
931 Davison, John. 1759-1760. Charleston, S.C.. painter --japanner --
932 Dawson, John. 1812-1822. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
933 Day, Augustus. 1804-1804. Charleston, S.C.. carver --looking glass maker --artist --
934 Day, George. 1794-1806. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
935 Day, Robert. 1798-1798. Charleston, S.C.. gardener --
936 Dayton,. 1802-1807. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
937 Dean, James (JOY, ABRAHAM). 1794-1794. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter apprentice --ship/boat builder appr. --
938 Dean, Joseph (REEVES, ENOS). 1795-1795. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith apprentice --
939 Dean, Nathaniel. 1738-1767. Charleston, S.C.. surveyor --
940 Deane, Thomas (d.c.1752. 1752-1752. Charleston, S.C.. painter --
941 Deans, Robert. 1750-1764. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --carpenter --
942 Dearsley, Richard. 1734-1734. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
943 DeBerrac, Henry. 1800-1800. Charleston, S.C.. artist --
944 Debord, John. 1809-1809. Charleston, S.C.. brass founder/brazier --
945 DeBourdeaux, Anthony. 1709-1725. Charleston, S.C.. joiner (unspecified) --
946 DeBourdeaux, James. 1687-1699. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
947 Debow, John. 1789-1809. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
948 Debow, John. 1813-1824. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --
949 DeBrahm, William. 1752-1787. Charleston, S.C.. surveyor --
950 DeBruhl, Michael Samuel. 1798-1811. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker -
records per page