информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Charleston, S.C.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Charleston, S.C. (4282)

records per page
# Name
2651 Mitchell, Thomas. 1817-1819. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2652 Mitchell, William Osborne. 1784-1802. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2653 Moan, John. 1802-1802. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2654 Modern, James. 1806-1826. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2655 Moffat, Peter. 1818-1832. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
2656 Moisson, John Lewis. 1807-1830. Charleston, S.C.. gunsmith --cutler --locksmith --
2657 Molds, James. 1786-1786. Charleston, S.C.. master builder --
2658 Moles, James. 1794-1807. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
2659 Moll, Bernard A.. 1784-1788. Charleston, S.C.. artist --
2660 Momado, (slave). 1809-1815. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2661 Moncrieff, Charles. 1759-1759. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2662 Moncrieff, John (I). 1778-1812. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2663 Moncrieff, John (II). 1790-1807. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2664 Moncrieff, John. 1740-1749. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
2665 Moncrieff, Richard. 1743-1789. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --carpenter --
2666 Monday, (slave). 1749-1749. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
2667 Monday, (slave). 1786-1786. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2668 Monday, (slave). 1805-1805. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2669 Monday, (slave). 1812-1812. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2670 Mongin, David. 1735-1751. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2671 Monk, George. 1769-1786. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2672 Monk, James. 1797-1806. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --engraver --copperplate pri
2673 Monk, John. 1787-1788. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2674 Montanye, Isaac (d.c.1824). 1824-1824. Charleston, S.C.. bookbinder --
2675 Montesquieux, Rene. 1809-1823. Charleston, S.C.. tinsmith --
2676 Montgomery, Robert (d.c.1787). 1787-1787. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2677 Montison,. 1745-1745. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
2678 Mood, Christian Adam. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2679 Mood, John. 1813-1822. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --gilder on metal --
2680 Mood, Peter (I). 1790-1821. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --gilder on metal --
2681 Mood, Peter (II). 1809-1836. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --gilder on metal --silver p
2682 Moon, D.. 1802-1802. Charleston, S.C.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
2683 Moore, (Moor). 1782-1782. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2684 Moore, Benjamin F.. 1825-1825. Charleston, S.C.. millwright --
2685 Moore, James. 1809-1813. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2686 Moore, James. 1809-1819. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2687 Moore, Michael. 1731-1752. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2688 Moore, P.. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2689 Moore, Philip. 1794-1822. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --lumberyard proprietor --
2690 Moore, Philip. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2691 Moore, Richard. 1784-1819. Charleston, S.C.. painter --paperhanger --
2692 Moore, Thomas. 1815-1822. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2693 Moran, Hugh M.. 1824-1824. Charleston, S.C.. engineer --
2694 Moran, Robert. 1736-1736. Charleston, S.C.. surveyor --
2695 Morand, Francis. 1755-1766. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2696 Morce, Garner. 1797-1797. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2697 Mordecai, Joseph. 1809-1822. Charleston, S.C.. gunsmith --cutler --
2698 Morford, Edmund. 1805-1822. Charleston, S.C.. bookbinder --
2699 Morgan, C.P.. 1809-1809. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2700 Morgan, Charles. 1784-1805. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
records per page