информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Charleston, S.C.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Charleston, S.C. (4282)

records per page
# Name
2801 Nights, Andrew. 1797-1801. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --master builder --
2802 Nipper, David Henry. 1789-1815. Charleston, S.C.. bookbinder --
2803 Nisbett, James. 1811-1813. Charleston, S.C.. gardener --
2804 Nivison, John. 1794-1803. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --master builder --
2805 Nixon, John. 1781-1781. Charleston, S.C.. gunsmith --
2806 Noble, Paul. 1802-1802. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2807 Noddings, George. 1751-1781. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2808 Noel, (slave). 1817-1817. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2809 Noisette, Philip S.. 1804-1824. Charleston, S.C.. gardener --botanist --
2810 Nolen, James. 1804-1822. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --master builder --
2811 Nopie, William (WILLIS, HENRY). 1822-1827. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter apprentice --
2812 Nopie, William(SIGWALD,JOHN C). 1827-1827. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter apprentice --
2813 Norman, John. 1762-1776. Charleston, S.C.. gunsmith --locksmith --
2814 Norman, Philip. 1696-1697. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
2815 Norris, (Mackay &). 1822-1822. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2816 Norris, James C.. 1813-1815. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
2817 Norris, James. 1790-1797. Charleston, S.C.. painter --
2818 Norris, James. 1799-1806. Charleston, S.C.. turner --windsor chairmaker --chairmaker (seating) --
2819 Norris, John. 1809-1809. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
2820 Norris, N.. 1795-1795. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
2821 Norris, Stephen (MORGAN,CHAS.). 1795-1795. Charleston, S.C.. ship/boat builder appr. --
2822 Norris, Stephen. 1802-1806. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2823 North, Samuel (d.c.1799). 1799-1799. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --
2824 Northerman, Harman. 1794-1794. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
2825 Northern Ware House. 1816-1822. Charleston, S.C.. cabinet warehouseman --
2826 Norton, Gideon. 1735-1751. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2827 Norton, John. 1676-1691. Charleston, S.C.. joiner (unspecified) --turner --
2828 Norwich, (slave). 1733-1733. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2829 Nuffer, David. 1788-1788. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2830 Nutt, John. 1770-1770. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --chairmaker (seating)
2831 Nutting, Jonas. 1722-1723. Charleston, S.C.. joiner (unspecified) --
2832 O'Brian, Michael. 1796-1796. Charleston, S.C.. gardener --
2833 O'Connor, (Mrs.). 1791-1792. Charleston, S.C.. needleworker --
2834 O'Donnell, James. 1803-1803. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --artist --architect --
2835 O'Hara, Samuel. 1808-1809. Charleston, S.C.. painter --sign or herald painter --chair painter --
2836 O'Keefe, Philip (ASH, SAMUEL). 1804-1804. Charleston, S.C.. coachmaker apprentice --
2837 O'Keefe, Thomas(STEVENS). 1803-1803. Charleston, S.C.. coachmaker apprentice --coach trimmer apprentice --
2838 O'Neal, Hugh. 1745-1745. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
2839 O'Neal, James. 1815-1824. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2840 O'Neale, John. 1817-1819. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
2841 O'Reilly, James. 1803-1820. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --
2842 O'Sullivan, Charles. 1815-1819. Charleston, S.C.. painter --sign or herald painter --chair painter --gil
2843 O'Sullivan, Florence. 1672-1678. Charleston, S.C.. surveyor --
2844 O'Sullivan, Florence. 1822-1827. Charleston, S.C.. painter --sign or herald painter --chair painter --
2845 Oates, John. 1813-1825. Charleston, S.C.. weaver --
2846 October, (slave). 1821-1822. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
2847 Ogier, John. 1807-1812. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker -
2848 Ogier, Thomas. 1795-1796. Charleston, S.C.. iron furnace (or owner) --
2849 Ogilvie, Andrew (d.c.1820). 1820-1820. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2850 Old Harry, (slave). 1803-1803. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
records per page