информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Charleston, S.C.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Charleston, S.C. (4282)

records per page
# Name
3251 Roberson, John. 1737-1751. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
3252 Roberts, Adam. 1797-1799. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
3253 Roberts, Bishop. 1735-1739. Charleston, S.C.. artist --sign or herald painter --painter --
3254 Roberts, Charles. 1755-1755. Charleston, S.C.. painter --
3255 Roberts, Elias C.. 1820-1827. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --whitesmith --
3256 Roberts, John. 1796-1797. Charleston, S.C.. artist --
3257 Roberts, Mary. 1740-1761. Charleston, S.C.. artist --copperplate printer --
3258 Roberts, Owen P.. 1807-1811. Charleston, S.C.. architect --carpenter --textile machinery maker --
3259 Roberts, Richard. 1790-1790. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
3260 Roberts, Stephen. 1782-1799. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3261 Roberts, Stephen(SHREWSBURY,S). 1776-1776. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter apprentice --
3262 Roberts, Thomas M.. 1822-1822. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
3263 Roberts, Thomas. 1780-1794. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --
3264 Roberts, Thomas. 1790-1790. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3265 Roberts, William. 1785-1807. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --
3266 Roberts,. 1810-1810. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
3267 Robertson, (slave). 1816-1816. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3268 Robertson, Charles. 1774-1775. Charleston, S.C.. plasterer --stucco worker --bell hanger --
3269 Robertson, John (II). 1788-1800. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
3270 Robertson, John. 1749-1792. Charleston, S.C.. brass founder/brazier --bell founder --
3271 Robertson, John. 1809-1809. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3272 Robertson, John(FITZGERALD,L.). 1807-1807. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter apprentice --
3273 Robertson, John(MUNCREEF,JOHN). 1800-1807. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter apprentice --
3274 Robertson, Thomas. 1809-1809. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
3275 Robertson,. 1767-1767. Charleston, S.C.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
3276 Robin, (slave). 1747-1750. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3277 Robin, (slave). 1753-1753. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
3278 Robin, (slave). 1798-1799. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3279 Robin, (slave). 1803-1804. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
3280 Robinson, Alexander. 1822-1822. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
3281 Robinson, Joseph. 1790-1792. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3282 Robinson, Peter. 1797-1808. Charleston, S.C.. painter --
3283 Robinson, Thomas. 1763-1792. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3284 Robinson, William. 1757-1767. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --
3285 Robinson, William(WELLS,RICH.). 1811-1811. Charleston, S.C.. ship/boat builder appr. --
3286 Rockwell, Henry. 1804-1804. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3287 Rodda, Ralph. 1736-1736. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
3288 Rodgers, Lewis (VANVELSY, WM.). 1813-1813. Charleston, S.C.. wheelwright apprentice --
3289 Rodgers, Lewis (ZYLK, JOHN). 1807-1813. Charleston, S.C.. wheelwright apprentice --
3290 Rodgers, Lewis. 1819-1824. Charleston, S.C.. wheelwright --
3291 Rodwell, (slave). 1815-1815. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
3292 Rogers (Roche), Francis. 1787-1787. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
3293 Rogers, (slave). 1757-1757. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
3294 Rogers, Christopher. 1793-1822. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3295 Rogers, Sarah. 1808-1808. Charleston, S.C.. artist --
3296 Rogers, Uz. 1766-1771. Charleston, S.C.. coach or riding chairmaker --wheelwright --blacksmith
3297 Roh, Jacob Frederick. 1807-1823. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --whitesmith --gunsmith --
3298 Rolinbury, Francis. 1790-1794. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3299 Roman, Bernard. 1769-1769. Charleston, S.C.. surveyor --
3300 Romeo, (slave). 1773-1773. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
records per page