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Main Indexes Location Boston, Mass.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Boston, Mass. (1065)

records per page
# Name
501 Hichborn, Thomas (d.c.1802). 1802-1802. Boston, Mass.. shipwright or boat builder --
502 Hichborn, William. 1810-1811. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
503 Hildreth, Samuel. 1806-1813. Boston, Mass.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
504 Hill, James F.. 1799-1799. Boston, Mass.. painter --sign or herald painter --chair painter --gil
505 Hill, James. 1803-1810. Boston, Mass.. engraver --
506 Hill, Martin. 1798-1798. Boston, Mass.. glass maker --
507 Hill, Matthew. 1800-1818. Boston, Mass.. glass maker --
508 Hill, Samuel. 1789-1804. Boston, Mass.. engraver --
509 Hill, Sewell. 1809-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
510 Hill, William F.. 1810-1810. Boston, Mass.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
511 Hind, Anthony. 1803-1803. Boston, Mass.. glass maker --
512 Hinds, William. 1809-1820. Boston, Mass.. glass maker --
513 Hitchings, Samuel. 1805-1807. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
514 Hobart, Joshua. 1809-1809. Boston, Mass.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
515 Hobbs & Jenkins. 1810-1810. Boston, Mass.. carver --gilder --
516 Hobbs, John L.. 1810-1818. Boston, Mass.. composition ornament maker --carpenter --
517 Hobbs, Nathan. 1816-1818. Boston, Mass.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
518 Holden & Jones. 1807-1809. Boston, Mass.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
519 Holden, Jonah. 1798-1798. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
520 Holden, Joshua. 1810-1820. Boston, Mass.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
521 Holland, John. 1796-1796. Boston, Mass.. turner --
522 Hollis, Daniel. 1813-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --carpenter --
523 Holmes & Russell. 1818-1820. Boston, Mass.. brass founder/brazier --
524 Holmes, Robert. 1796-1803. Boston, Mass.. brass founder/brazier --
525 Holmes, William. 1816-1816. Boston, Mass.. brass founder/brazier --
526 Holt, Stephen. 1806-1809. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
527 Homes, Henry. 1806-1806. Boston, Mass.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
528 Homes, William. 1789-1820. Boston, Mass.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
529 Horton, Samuel H.. 1805-1810. Boston, Mass.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
530 Hovey, Joseph. 1789-1789. Boston, Mass.. wallpaper printer --
531 Hovey, Margaret. 1800-1800. Boston, Mass.. wallpaper printer --
532 Howard, Cyrus. 1813-1813. Boston, Mass.. iron furnace (or owner) --
533 Howard, William. 1813-1816. Boston, Mass.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
534 Howard, William. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
535 Howe & Alexander. 1798-1807. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
536 Howe, John (I). 1789-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --turner --
537 Howe, John (II). 1803-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
538 Howe, John, & Son. 1798-1807. Boston, Mass.. turner --
539 Howe, Robert. 1803-1820. Boston, Mass.. turner --
540 Howe, Thomas. 1803-1820. Boston, Mass.. turner --
541 Humphrey, Levi. 1816-1816. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
542 Hunneman, William C.. 1800-1820. Boston, Mass.. coppersmith --machinist --
543 Hunt, J.R.. 1805-1807. Boston, Mass.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
544 Hunt, John. 1813-1818. Boston, Mass.. gunsmith --
545 Hunt, Mathew. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
546 Hunt, Simon. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
547 Hunt, Timothy & Co.. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
548 Hurd, Jacob. 1816-1820. Boston, Mass.. gunsmith --
549 Hutchins, (Gragg &). 1805-1807. Boston, Mass.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
550 Hutchins, William. 1809-1809. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --chairmaker (seating) --
records per page