информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Richmond, Va.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Richmond, Va. (1202)

records per page
# Name
351 Flint, Alexander. 1796-1796. Richmond, Va.. coach or riding chairmaker --
352 Flord, James. 1794-1794. Richmond, Va.. millwright --
353 Flyn, James. 1798-1798. Richmond, Va.. gardener --
354 Follet, Burr & Co.. 1817-1820. Richmond, Va.. brass founder/brazier --iron furnace (or owner) --iron
355 Follet, Francis. 1803-1820. Richmond, Va.. brass founder/brazier --iron furnace (or owner) --
356 Fontaine, Joseph (DONALD,GEO.). 1763-1763. Richmond, Va.. cabinetmaker apprentice --chairmaker (seating) appr. -
357 Ford, Milton. 1779-1784. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
358 Fore, (Robinson &). 1817-1820. Richmond, Va.. blacksmith --
359 Foster, Joseph. 1800-1819. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
360 Fowler, James. 1819-1820. Richmond, Va.. upholsterer --paperhanger --mattress maker --
361 Fox, John. 1796-1804. Richmond, Va.. coach or riding chairmaker --
362 Fox, Robert (d.c.l800). 1800-1800. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
363 Francis, Nathaniel. 1802-1802. Richmond, Va.. gardener --
364 Francis, Thomas (POINTER, WM.). 1805-1805. Richmond, Va.. windsor chairmaker appr. --chairmaker (seating) appr.
365 Franck, M.. 0-0. Richmond, Va.. carver --looking glass maker --
366 Frank, (slave). 1795-1807. Richmond, Va.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
367 Franklin, Jesse. 1806-1819. Richmond, Va.. combmaker or brushmaker --
368 Franklin, Robert. 1795-1817. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
369 Frazer, Alexander. 1809-1809. Richmond, Va.. dyer --
370 Freeland, Andrew. 1794-1797. Richmond, Va.. painter --
371 Freeman, Samuel. 1821-1827. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
372 French, John. 1819-1819. Richmond, Va.. blacksmith --
373 Frost, James. 1806-1819. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
374 Frost, Joshua (ENGLES, GEORGE). 1812-1812. Richmond, Va.. gunsmith apprentice --
375 Fry, Joshua. 1799-1801. Richmond, Va.. surveyor --
376 Futter, James. 1819-1819. Richmond, Va.. gardener --
377 Gaddy, Francis R.. 1788-1790. Richmond, Va.. blacksmith --
378 Gaddy, William. 1786-1819. Richmond, Va.. blacksmith --
379 Galt, James (1741-1800). 1771-1771. Richmond, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) -
380 Galt, John. 1805-1805. Richmond, Va.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
381 Galt, William. 1791-1819. Richmond, Va.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
382 Garner, Henry. 1787-1788. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
383 Garnet, Dandridge(KENDRICK,R.). 1802-1802. Richmond, Va.. bricklayer apprentice --
384 Gary, Carter (WINSTON, GEORGE). 1807-1807. Richmond, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
385 Gary, Edmund (WINSTON, GEORGE). 1807-1807. Richmond, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
386 Gaspar, Francis. 1806-1807. Richmond, Va.. shipwright or boat builder --
387 Gathright, John. 1782-1816. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
388 Gautier, Nicholas. 1788-1788. Richmond, Va.. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker -
389 Gay,. 1817-1817. Richmond, Va.. gardener --
390 Gaylord, William. 1803-1803. Richmond, Va.. blacksmith --
391 George, (slave)(BOOKER,GEORGE). 1819-1819. Richmond, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
392 Gibson, Edward (RUSSELL,CHAS.). 1819-1819. Richmond, Va.. painter apprentice --
393 Giles, William. 1784-1803. Richmond, Va.. bricklayer --brickmaker --
394 Gill, P.. 1817-1818. Richmond, Va.. stonecutter --
395 Glenn, William (SAUNDERS, WM.). 1816-1816. Richmond, Va.. bricklayer apprentice --
396 Goddin, John. 1808-1864. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
397 Godefroy, Maximilian. 1816-1816. Richmond, Va.. artist --architect --
398 Gooddle, Nathan. 1796-1796. Richmond, Va.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
399 Goode, William B.(MYERS,JUDAH). 1805-1805. Richmond, Va.. tinsmith apprentice --
400 Goodson, William. 1819-1819. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
records per page