информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Trade carpenter --
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Trade: carpenter -- (8159)

records per page
# Name
5001 McLean, Cornelius. 1809-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5002 McLean, Isaac. 1801-1808. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --
5003 McLean, Michael. 1795-1795. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5004 McLellan, Hugh. 1799-1799. New York City. carpenter --
5005 McLeod, James. 1792-1792. Stafford Co., Va.. carpenter --
5006 McMillan, Daniel. 1820-1822. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5007 McMillan, Thomas. 1806-1822. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5008 McNance, Neale. 1822-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5009 McNantz, Charles. 1807-1807. District of Columbia. carpenter --
5010 McNear, William. 1801-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5011 McPhail, William. 1805-1806. Philadelphia, Pa.. carpenter --
5012 McPherson, William. 1820-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5013 McQueen, Daniel. 1816-1816. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5014 McQueen, Robert. 1789-1792. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5015 McReady, Frederick. 1813-1813. New York City. carpenter --
5016 McTyre, Robert. 1740-1790. Lancaster Co., Va.. carpenter --
5017 Mead, John. 1743-1744. Fairfax Co., Va.. carpenter --
5018 Mead, John. 1817-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5019 Meade, Benjamin. 1813-1814. Amelia Co., Va.. carpenter --
5020 Meade, John. 1675-1675. York Co., Va.. carpenter --
5021 Meade, Simon. 1804-1819. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5022 Meadows, Edward. 1811-1811. Craven Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5023 Meadows, Job. 1815-1819. Craven Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5024 Mealer, Nicholas. 1734-1757. Henrico Co., Va.. carpenter --
5025 Mealy, Owen. 1797-1797. Rowan Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5026 Mecon, Matthew. 1817-1817. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5027 Medscar, Daniel. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5028 Meeke, John (d.c.1695). 1695-1695. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5029 Megowan, David. 1807-1829. Lexington, Ky.. carpenter --
5030 Megua, John. 1756-1756. Amelia Co., Va.. carpenter --
5031 Melford, William. 1740-1740. South Carolina (unspecif.). carpenter --
5032 Melson, David. 1800-1800. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
5033 Melson, James. 1803-1803. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
5034 Melville, David (d.c.l767). 1767-1767. St. George Parish, S.C.. carpenter --
5035 Melvin, William. 1735-1742. St. Bartholomew Psh., S.C.. carpenter --
5036 Meness, Benjamin. 1813-1813. Nashville, Tenn.. carpenter --
5037 Mercer, Bartholomew. 1804-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5038 Mercer, John. 1718-1718. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
5039 Merchant, William. 1771-1772. Berkeley Co., W.Va.. carpenter --
5040 Meredith, Edwin. 1806-1806. Lynchburg, Va.. carpenter --
5041 Meredith, John. 1745-1747. New Kent Co., Va.. carpenter --
5042 Meredith, Joseph. 1753-1756. Elizabeth City Co., Va.. carpenter --
5043 Meredith, Phil. 1792-1792. St. Marys Co., Md.. carpenter --
5044 Merick, William. 1733-1733. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5045 Meroney, Philip. 1798-1798. Chatham Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5046 Merriken, John. 1806-1810. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5047 Merrin, Stephen. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5048 Merritt, Robert. 1789-1789. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
5049 Metheringham, John. 1725-1755. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5050 Metzger, Daniel. 1808-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
records per page