информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Trade carpenter --
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Trade: carpenter -- (8159)

records per page
# Name
5151 Mitchell, Walter. 1751-1755. Amelia Co., Va.. carpenter --
5152 Mitchell, William Osborne. 1784-1802. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5153 Mitchell, William. 1711-1724. Anne Arundel Co., Md.. carpenter --
5154 Mixton, Henry. 1698-1698. Middlesex Co., Va.. carpenter --
5155 Moellinger, Jacob. 1806-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5156 Moffett, Cyrus A.. 1818-1818. Lexington, Ky.. carpenter --
5157 Moffett, Robert. 1797-1805. Frederick Co., Va.. carpenter --
5158 Mollenhouer, Joseph. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5159 Molthrop, John. 1810-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5160 Molton, Richard. 1725-1725. Bertie Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5161 Moncey, Francis. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5162 Monckton, William. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5163 Moncrieff, Charles. 1759-1759. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5164 Moncrieff, John (I). 1778-1812. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5165 Moncrieff, John (II). 1790-1807. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5166 Monday, (slave). 1786-1786. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5167 Monday, (slave). 1805-1805. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5168 Monday, (slave). 1812-1812. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5169 Mondel, William (d.c.1819). 1795-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5170 Monk, John. 1787-1788. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5171 Monkur, William. 1799-1816. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5172 Monroe, John. 1755-1785. Fairfax Co., Va.. carpenter --
5173 Monroe, Robert. 1814-1814. Montgomery Co., Md.. carpenter --
5174 Montague, John. 1817-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5175 Montague, William. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5176 Monteith, John. 1804-1808. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5177 Montgomery, Alexander. 1782-1789. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
5178 Montgomery, George. 1727-1747. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter --
5179 Moodie, John. 1801-1801. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
5180 Moody, (slave). 1795-1795. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5181 Moody, (slave). 1798-1798. Sussex Co., Va.. carpenter --
5182 Moody, Humphrey. 1673-1707. York Co., Va.. carpenter --
5183 Moody, John. 1819-1819. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
5184 Moody, Robert. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5185 Moody, Samuel (d.c.1796). 1796-1796. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5186 Moon, (slave). 1783-1785. Georgetown area, S.C.. carpenter --
5187 Moore, Asher. 1801-1801. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
5188 Moore, Christopher. 1802-1810. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5189 Moore, Drewry. 1799-1799. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5190 Moore, George. 1747-1753. Amelia Co., Va.. carpenter --
5191 Moore, Gersham. 1810-1819. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
5192 Moore, Ignatius. 1801-1803. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5193 Moore, James. 1741-1753. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter --
5194 Moore, James. 1809-1819. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5195 Moore, John B.. 1810-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5196 Moore, John. 1750-1750. King George Co., Va.. carpenter --
5197 Moore, John. 1762-1763. Albemarle Co., Va.. carpenter --
5198 Moore, John. 1791-1792. Amelia Co., Va.. carpenter --
5199 Moore, John. 1796-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5200 Moore, John. 1803-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
records per page