информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Trade carpenter --
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Trade: carpenter -- (8159)

records per page
# Name
5301 Moxham, John. 1795-1806. Savannah, Ga.. carpenter --
5302 Moxley, Thomas. 1810-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5303 Moyer, Daniel. 1814-1814. Salisbury, N.C.. carpenter --
5304 Moyers, John. 1787-1804. Shenandoah Co., Va.. carpenter --
5305 Muckinfee, John. 1803-1803. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5306 Mudd, Ignatius. 1810-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5307 Mudd, Theodore. 1810-1810. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5308 Mudd, Thomas J.. 1805-1820. Georgetown, D.C.. carpenter --
5309 Mudd, Thomas J.. 1822-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5310 Muir, James. 1730-1763. King and Queen Co., Va.. carpenter --
5311 Muir, Thomas. 1790-1790. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5312 Muirhead, George. 1771-1776. Loudoun Co., Va.. carpenter --
5313 Mulatto Jack, (slave). 1782-1782. Christ Church Parish, S.C.. carpenter --
5314 Mules, (slave). 1808-1808. Edenton, N.C.. carpenter --
5315 Mulheren, John. 1801-1809. Beaufort, S.C.. carpenter --
5316 Mulholland, Charles. 1797-1802. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5317 Mulkey, Philip. 1727-1727. Bertie Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5318 Mullen, Alexander. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5319 Mullen, Josiah. 1819-1819. Nashville, Tenn.. carpenter --
5320 Mullis, James. 1820-1820. Wilkes Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5321 Mulloy, John. 1815-1817. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5322 Mumford, Miles (d.c.1804). 1804-1804. Craven Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5323 Munday, (slave). 1765-1765. St. Bartholomew Psh., S.C.. carpenter --
5324 Munday, William. 1750-1782. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --
5325 Munday, William. 1793-1794. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5326 Munroe, John. 1789-1789. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
5327 Munroe, William. 1799-1802. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5328 Munrow, Daniel. 1775-1775. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --
5329 Murdoch, James. 1818-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5330 Murdock, James W.. 1819-1819. Columbia, S.C.. carpenter --
5331 Murphey, Michael. 1795-1809. Isle of Wight Co., Va.. carpenter --
5332 Murphy, Edward. 1822-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
5333 Murphy, John (I). 1819-1819. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
5334 Murphy, John (II). 1816-1819. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
5335 Murphy, John. 1782-1782. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5336 Murphy, John. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5337 Murphy, Patrick. 1813-1818. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5338 Murphy, William. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5339 Murral, Robert. 1787-1787. Sussex Co., Va.. carpenter --
5340 Murray, Daniel. 1801-1802. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5341 Murray, Philip. 1794-1794. Nottoway Co., Va.. carpenter --
5342 Murray, William. 1802-1802. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5343 Murray, William. 1806-1825. Orange Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5344 Murrow, John. 1763-1763. Northampton Co., Va.. carpenter --
5345 Muse, William T.. 1810-1818. Pasquotank Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5346 Musgrave, Israel. 1799-1801. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5347 Musgrove, Charles (d. by 1751). 1710-1720. Charles Co., Md.. carpenter --
5348 Myers, Christopher. 1775-1775. Philadelphia, Pa.. carpenter --
5349 Myers, David (d.c.1794). 1794-1794. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
5350 Myers, Henry. 1799-1804. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
records per page