информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Trade carpenter --
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Trade: carpenter -- (8159)

records per page
# Name
5851 Pope, Alexander. 1790-1793. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5852 Pope, Alsa. 1813-1813. Pulaski Co., Ga.. carpenter --
5853 Pope, Elihu (d.c.1807). 1807-1807. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5854 Pope, John. 1793-1798. Edisto Island, S.C.. carpenter --
5855 Pope, Samuel Ward. 1790-1793. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5856 Popkins, John. 1761-1768. Loudoun Co., Va.. carpenter --
5857 Porter, A.J.. 1819-1819. Nashville, Tenn.. carpenter --
5858 Porter, Ephraim. 1806-1818. Lexington, Ky.. carpenter --
5859 Porter, Jonathan. 1758-1765. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter --
5860 Porter, Peter. 1636-1637. Lower Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
5861 Porter, Richard. 1688-1688. Lancaster Co., Va.. carpenter --
5862 Porter, William. 1819-1819. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
5863 Portis, John. 1688-1804. Isle of Wight Co., Va.. carpenter --
5864 Portlock, Samuel. 1787-1790. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
5865 Portlock, William. 1722-1749. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
5866 Potter, Edward. 1786-1791. Craven Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5867 Potter, James. 1729-1741. Edenton, N.C.. carpenter --
5868 Potter, James. 1775-1775. Philadelphia, Pa.. carpenter --
5869 Potter, John. 1803-1803. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5870 Pottifear, William (d.c.l785). 1785-1785. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5871 Potts, John. 1799-1799. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5872 Pouder, John. 1804-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5873 Pouder, Leonard. 1792-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5874 Pouket, John. 1713-1713. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
5875 Powell, Benjamin. 1775-1775. Philadelphia, Pa.. carpenter --
5876 Powell, John. 1755-1755. Brunswick Co., Va.. carpenter --
5877 Powell, John. 1808-1816. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5878 Powell, John. 1819-1819. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5879 Powell, Ransom. 1809-1820. Rutherford Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5880 Powell, Thomas. 1719-1719. Elizabeth City Co., Va.. carpenter --
5881 Powell, Thomas. 1784-1785. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5882 Powell, Thomas. 1787-1787. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5883 Powell, Thomas. 1793-1796. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5884 Powell, William. 1728-1731. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
5885 Powell, William. 1821-1821. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5886 Powlas, Jacob. 1814-1817. Hagerstown, Md.. carpenter --
5887 Poyas, Daniel. 1779-1800. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5888 Poyas, John Lewis. 1772-1812. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
5889 Poyner, Samuel. 1792-1804. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
5890 Pratt, John. 1736-1740. Perquimans Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5891 Pratt, Joshua. 1740-1740. Perquimans Co., N.C.. carpenter --
5892 Premey, Jacob. 1754-1754. Fairfax Co., Va.. carpenter --
5893 Prentice, Thomas (d.c.1806). 1806-1806. Chatham Co., Ga.. carpenter --
5894 Prentis, John. 1816-1816. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
5895 Pressgrove, James. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5896 Presson, James. 1811-1811. Southampton Co., Va.. carpenter --
5897 Pretlove, John. 1801-1801. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
5898 Pretlove, John. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
5899 Pretty, Thomas. 1750-1757. Kingstree, S.C.. carpenter --
5900 Price, Aaron (d.c.1759). 1759-1759. Frederick Co., Va.. carpenter --
records per page