информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Trade carpenter --
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Trade: carpenter -- (8159)

records per page
# Name
2801 Giles, John. 1682-1717. Isle of Wight Co., Va.. carpenter --
2802 Giles, John. 1711-1712. Henrico Co., Va.. carpenter --
2803 Giles, John. 1774-1774. Mecklenburg Co., N.C.. carpenter --
2804 Gilfary, James. 1795-1795. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2805 Gill, Ezekiel C.. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2806 Gill, John P.. 1796-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2807 Gill, Thomas. 1804-1813. Bertie Co., N.C.. carpenter --
2808 Gill, William. 1804-1804. Bertie Co., N.C.. carpenter --
2809 Gillam, (slave). 1795-1795. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2810 Gillam, Conrad. 1789-1811. Rowan Co., N.C.. carpenter --
2811 Gillet, Anderson. 1784-1784. Onslow Co., N.C.. carpenter --
2812 Gillham, Robert. 1685-1691. Middlesex Co., Va.. carpenter --
2813 Gilliam, Hinchea. 1768-1769. Sussex Co., Va.. carpenter --
2814 Gillingham, John. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2815 Gillintine, John. 1762-1762. Halifax Co., Va.. carpenter --
2816 Gindo, (slave). 1815-1815. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2817 Giraud, John. 1822-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
2818 Girdwood, David. 1774-1774. Wilmington, N.C.. carpenter --
2819 Giroud, David. 1743-1783. Purrysburg Township, S.C.. carpenter --
2820 Givens, Benedict. 1819-1819. Staunton, Va.. carpenter --
2821 Givin, William. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2822 Gladding, Joseph. 1801-1811. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2823 Glanton, John. 1805-1805. Caroline County, Va.. carpenter --
2824 Glanville, Joseph. 1818-1818. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --
2825 Glanville, Richard. 1688-1688. York Co., Va.. carpenter --
2826 Glascock, Robert. 1638-1646. Lower Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
2827 Glasgow, (slave). 1749-1749. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2828 Glasgow, (slave). 1758-1758. South Carolina (unspecif.). carpenter --
2829 Glass, Thomas. 1710-1728. Hanover Co., Va.. carpenter --
2830 Glasscock, Scarlet. 1801-1801. Rowan Co., N.C.. carpenter --
2831 Glazier,. 1737-1737. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2832 Glenn, David. 1804-1804. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2833 Glenn, James. 1723-1724. Hanover Co., Va.. carpenter --
2834 Glenn, John S.. 1817-1817. Granville Co., N.C.. carpenter --
2835 Glover, John. 1793-1795. New York City. carpenter --
2836 Glover, John. 1818-1820. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
2837 Glover, Jones. 1757-1757. Brunswick Co., Va.. carpenter --
2838 Glover, Thomas. 1818-1818. Buckingham Co., Va.. carpenter --
2839 Goare, Jose. 1750-1750. Middlesex Co., Va.. carpenter --
2840 Goddin, Hugh. 1820-1820. Madison Co., Ky.. carpenter --
2841 Goddin, John. 1808-1864. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
2842 Godfrey, Thomas. 1778-1804. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2843 Godfrey, Thomas. 1806-1806. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
2844 Godfrey, Warren. 1670-1686. Lower Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
2845 Godfrey, William. 1718-1722. Charles Co., Md.. carpenter --
2846 Godfrey, William. 1733-1753. Fairfax Co., Va.. carpenter --
2847 Godwin, Cesar. 1681-1684. Northampton Co., Va.. carpenter --
2848 Godwin, Richard. 1731-1731. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
2849 Godwin, Thomas C. (d.c.1839). 1832-1839. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
2850 Goff, Ebenezer. 1802-1802. Boston, Mass.. carpenter --
records per page