информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Trade carpenter --
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Trade: carpenter -- (8159)

records per page
# Name
3551 Honey, Amos. 1802-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3552 Honohan, John. 1747-1759. Edisto Island, S.C.. carpenter --
3553 Hood, George. 1793-1811. Berkeley Co., W.Va.. carpenter --
3554 Hood, Jonathan. 1772-1773. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3555 Hooe, William H.. 1809-1818. King George Co., Va.. carpenter --
3556 Hoofnogle, John. 1814-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3557 Hook, Conrad. 1794-1805. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3558 Hook, George. 1790-1790. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3559 Hooman, Henry. 1809-1809. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3560 Hooper, (Kimbrough &). 1825-1825. Richmond, Va.. carpenter --
3561 Hooper, John. 1797-1821. Washington Co., Md.. carpenter --
3562 Hooper, John. 1804-1815. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3563 Hoover, Henry. 1808-1808. Lincoln Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3564 Hoover, Henry. 1819-1819. Mecklenburg Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3565 Hoover, Peter (d.c.1815). 1814-1815. Shepherdstown, W.Va.. carpenter --
3566 Hoover, Philip. 1820-1820. Frederick Co., Va.. carpenter --
3567 Hope, Thomas. 1797-1812. Knoxville,Tenn.. carpenter --
3568 Hopkin, David. 1769-1769. Lunenburg Co., Va.. carpenter --
3569 Hopkins, Arthur. 1752-1752. Goochland Co., Va.. carpenter --
3570 Hopkins, James. 1795-1795. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3571 Hopkins, James. 1805-1815. Elizabeth City Co., Va.. carpenter --
3572 Hopkins, John P.. 1824-1826. Surry Co., Va.. carpenter --
3573 Hopkins, Richard. 1716-1818. Hampton, Va.. carpenter --
3574 Hopkins, William W.. 1801-1808. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
3575 Hopkins, William W.. 1810-1815. Northampton Co., Va.. carpenter --
3576 Hopkins, William. 1790-1802. Surry Co., Va.. carpenter --
3577 Hopping & Murphy. 1819-1820. New York City. carpenter --
3578 Hopton, Robert. 1794-1806. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3579 Horan, Thomas. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3580 Horde, Peter. 1711-1711. Perquimans Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3581 Horn, Hardy. 1807-1807. Edgecombe Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3582 Horn, John. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3583 Hornage, George. 1761-1761. Portsmouth, Va.. carpenter --
3584 Horner, Abel. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3585 Horner, Joshua. 1798-1798. Stokes Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3586 Horner, Thomas. 1804-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3587 Hornsby, Marmaduke. 1666-1666. Middlesex Co., Va.. carpenter --
3588 Horris, (slave). 1799-1799. Savannah, Ga.. carpenter --
3589 Horsington, Benedictus. 1711-1712. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
3590 Horsington, Benedictus. 1717-1725. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter --
3591 Hortanmarcher, George. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3592 Horton, Gideon. 1812-1812. Warren Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3593 Horton, John. 1674-1678. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3594 Horton, William. 1799-1821. Orange Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3595 Hoskins, Nathaniel. 1814-1814. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
3596 Hoster, Edmond. 1799-1799. St.John Colleton Psh.,S.C.. carpenter --
3597 Hough, Sampson. 1789-1789. Barnwell Co., S.C.. carpenter --
3598 Houghland, John. 1814-1814. Mecklenburg Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3599 Houghton, Isaac. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3600 Housdorf, John. 1770-1773. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
records per page