информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Trade carpenter --
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Trade: carpenter -- (8159)

records per page
# Name
3651 Huff, John. 1803-1824. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3652 Hugate, James. 1656-1665. Surry Co., Va.. carpenter --
3653 Huger, Jacob G.. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3654 Huggins, David. 1774-1774. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter --
3655 Hugh, (slave). 1795-1795. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
3656 Hughes, Henry. 1758-1758. Hanover Co., Va.. carpenter --
3657 Hughes, Henry. 1809-1818. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3658 Hughes, John. 1765-1794. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3659 Hughes, John. 1806-1811. Warwick Co., Va.. carpenter --
3660 Hughes, John. 1812-1812. Fredericksburg, Va.. carpenter --
3661 Hughes, Samuel. 1802-1807. Rowan Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3662 Hughes, William E.. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3663 Hughes, William. 1687-1702. New Kent Co., Va.. carpenter --
3664 Hughs, Emery. 1737-1737. Charles City Co., Va.. carpenter --
3665 Hugner, Jacob. 1799-1799. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3666 Hugs, Thomas (alias Steelman). 1769-1769. Anne Arundel Co., Md.. carpenter --
3667 Huguenin, David. 1752-1752. Purrysburg Township, S.C.. carpenter --
3668 Hukill, Richard. 1801-1801. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3669 Hull, Simon. 1793-1793. Berkeley Co., W.Va.. carpenter --
3670 Humbert, Godfrey. 1790-1817. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3671 Humbert, John. 1819-1822. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3672 Humbert, Michael. 1787-1795. Hagerstown, Md.. carpenter --
3673 Humbert, William G.. 1819-1820. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3674 Hume, John. 1822-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
3675 Humphreys, Joseph. 1775-1775. Tyrrell Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3676 Humphreys, Spencer (d.c.1790). 1790-1790. Liberty Co., Ga.. carpenter --
3677 Hunley, Robert. 1752-1760. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
3678 Hunnicutt, James. 1811-1813. Sussex Co., Va.. carpenter --
3679 Hunnicutt, William (II). 1808-1819. Surry Co., Va.. carpenter --
3680 Hunnicutt, William. 1703-1718. Surry Co., Va.. carpenter --
3681 Hunt, James. 1784-1784. Halifax Co., Va.. carpenter --
3682 Hunt, James. 1796-1799. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3683 Hunt, James. 1799-1799. Halifax Co., N.C.. carpenter --
3684 Hunt, John. 1693-1693. Charles City Co., Va.. carpenter --
3685 Hunt, Joseph. 1728-1728. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
3686 Hunt, Robert. 1798-1808. Sussex Co., Va.. carpenter --
3687 Hunt, Thomas. 1670-1711. Surry Co., Va.. carpenter --
3688 Hunter, Charles. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3689 Hunter, John. 1749-1749. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter --
3690 Hunter, John. 1802-1806. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3691 Hunter, John. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3692 Hunter, Joshua. 1787-1787. Annapolis, Md.. carpenter --
3693 Hunter, Josiah W.. 1807-1811. Norfolk Co., Va.. carpenter --
3694 Hunter, Obadiah. 1814-1814. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --
3695 Hunter, Samuel. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3696 Hunter, Thomas. 1774-1774. Edenton, N.C.. carpenter --
3697 Hurd, (alias Barnett) James. 1764-1764. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3698 Hurdell, Thomas. 1822-1822. Washington, D.C.. carpenter --
3699 Hurleston, Edward. 1650-1653. Surry Co., Va.. carpenter --
3700 Hussey, Ennion. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
records per page