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Main Indexes Location Baltimore, Md.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Baltimore, Md. (7034)

records per page
# Name
1651 Derrow, Samuel. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1652 Derydinger, James. 1802-1802. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
1653 Descandes, Andrew. 1813-1816. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
1654 Deshon, Nicholas. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. gardener --
1655 Despeaux, Alexander. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
1656 Despeaux, Elie. 1813-1822. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
1657 Despeaux, John. 1804-1822. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
1658 Despeaux, Joseph. 1796-1820. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
1659 Devear, Joseph. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
1660 Develin, Patrick. 1807-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1661 Deven, William. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. weaver --
1662 Devenny, William. 1804-1816. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
1663 Deveran, Thomas. 1779-1779. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
1664 Deverel, Charles. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1665 Devoe, John. 1799-1801. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1666 Devoss, William. 1810-1814. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
1667 Devou, Frederick. 1812-1817. Baltimore, Md.. potter --
1668 Dew, William (I). 1810-1814. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1669 Dew, William (II). 1815-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1670 Dewey, Silas. 1807-1817. Baltimore, Md.. artist --
1671 DeYoung, Michael. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. combmaker or brushmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) --
1672 Dick, James. 1807-1810. Baltimore, Md.. plasterer --
1673 Dicken, William Brice (c.l80l). 1801-1801. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1674 Dickenson, James. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1675 Dickenson, John. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carver --
1676 Dickerson, Gideon. 1803-1803. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
1677 Dickeson, Brittingham. 1775-1808. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
1678 Dickinson, Edward. 1796-1822. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
1679 Dickinson, George. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. locksmith --blacksmith --
1680 Dickmeyer, Augustus. 1810-1810. Baltimore, Md.. brass founder/brazier --
1681 Dickson, Abraham(YOUNG,JOHN S.. 1816-1816. Baltimore, Md.. nailer apprentice --
1682 Dieterly, Peter. 1795-1796. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1683 Diffendall, Jacob (HICKLEY,SEB. 1806-1806. Baltimore, Md.. stonecutter apprentice --
1684 Diffendall, John. 1811-1822. Baltimore, Md.. stonecutter --
1685 Diffenderffer, Frederick. 1799-1801. Baltimore, Md.. coppersmith --
1686 Dikes, Levi (ATKINSON, GEORGE). 1810-1810. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter apprentice --
1687 Dillaway, Thomas C.. 1810-1820. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --shipwright or boat builder --
1688 Dilley, Gerrard. 1803-1822. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
1689 Dillman, Peter. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1690 Dimelo, I.. 1794-1794. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1691 Dinsmore, Samuel. 1816-1817. Baltimore, Md.. cabinet warehouseman --cabinetmaker --
1692 Dinsmore, Thomas. 1816-1819. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
1693 Disk, Francis. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
1694 Disney, Benjamin. 1807-1809. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
1695 Disney, Edward G.. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. painter --sign or herald painter --
1696 Disney, James. 1810-1822. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
1697 Disney, James. 1816-1819. Baltimore, Md.. combmaker or brushmaker --
1698 Disney, John. 1815-1822. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
1699 Disney, Mordecai. 1813-1817. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
1700 Disney, Wesley. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. combmaker or brushmaker --
records per page