информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Baltimore, Md.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Baltimore, Md. (7034)

records per page
# Name
2501 Green, Henry. 1796-1809. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2502 Green, Henry. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2503 Green, Jeremiah. 1815-1822. Baltimore, Md.. painter --sign or herald painter --paint manufacturer
2504 Green, John N.. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2505 Green, John. 1796-1796. Baltimore, Md.. nailer --
2506 Green, John. 1797-1797. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2507 Green, John. 1804-1804. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
2508 Green, John. 1810-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2509 Green, John. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2510 Green, Mathew. 1799-1808. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2511 Green, Peter. 1804-1815. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2512 Green, Samuel. 1795-1795. Baltimore, Md.. inventor --
2513 Green, Samuel. 1805-1822. Baltimore, Md.. surveyor --
2514 Green, Thomas D.. 1813-1822. Baltimore, Md.. coach or riding chairmaker --
2515 Green, Thomas. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. plasterer --
2516 Green,. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. counterfeiter --
2517 Greenfield, Edward. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. millwright --
2518 Greenfield, John. 1814-1817. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
2519 Greenfield, Thomas T.. 1802-1808. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
2520 Greenock, Benjamin. 1807-1808. Baltimore, Md.. coach or riding chairmaker --
2521 Greggs, Benjamin (HAUBERT, F.). 1799-1800. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter apprentice --
2522 Gregory, (Connell &). 1818-1818. Baltimore, Md.. wallpaper printer --paperhanger --
2523 Gregory, David. 1796-1807. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2524 Gregory, James. 1814-1819. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
2525 Gregory, Joseph. 1816-1819. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
2526 Greive & Gordon. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. musical inst. maker/mender --
2527 Gretter, Michael (AIKEN,GEORGE. 1800-1806. Baltimore, Md.. silversmith apprentice --
2528 Grewe, Henry W.. 1807-1814. Baltimore, Md.. musical inst. maker/mender --cabinetmaker --
2529 Grewe, William. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
2530 Gridley, James. 1806-1806. Baltimore, Md.. inventor --wheelwright --
2531 Grieves, Edward. 1816-1817. Baltimore, Md.. nailer --
2532 Griffin, Abraham. 1796-1807. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
2533 Griffin, Abraham. 1813-1816. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
2534 Griffin, George. 1808-1822. Baltimore, Md.. millwright --
2535 Griffin, James (CAMP, WILLIAM). 1802-1806. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker apprentice --
2536 Griffin, James S.. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2537 Griffin, Nathan. 1814-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2538 Griffin, Thomas. 1796-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2539 Griffin, William. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
2540 Griffiss, Edward. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2541 Griffiss, Griffith. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2542 Griffith, Edward. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2543 Griffith, Ely. 1796-1802. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2544 Griffith, Ely. 1810-1810. Baltimore, Md.. millwright --
2545 Griffith, Greenberry. 1802-1807. Baltimore, Md.. stonecutter --
2546 Griffith, Henry B.. 1803-1822. Baltimore, Md.. stonecutter --stonemason --
2547 Griffith, John. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
2548 Griffith, Nathan. 1804-1806. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2549 Griffith, William. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. weaver --
2550 Griggs, Ebenezer. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. engineer --
records per page