информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Baltimore, Md.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Baltimore, Md. (7034)

records per page
# Name
2801 Harrison, Oliver(HANDELL,JOHN). 1818-1819. Baltimore, Md.. paperhanger apprentice --
2802 Harrison, Samuel. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2803 Harrison, Samuel. 1814-1822. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
2804 Harrison, Stephen. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2805 Harrison, Thomas K.. 1814-1822. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
2806 Harrison, Thomas. 1784-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2807 Harrison, Thomas. 1803-1804. Baltimore, Md.. silver plater --sign or herald painter --
2808 Harrison, William (I). 1810-1817. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
2809 Harrison, William (II). 1815-1817. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
2810 Harrison, William. 1799-1803. Baltimore, Md.. engraver --blacksmith --
2811 Harrison, William. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2812 Harrod, John J.. 1806-1820. Baltimore, Md.. bookbinder --leather dresser morocco --
2813 Harrod, William. 1806-1808. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
2814 Harrowby, James. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2815 Harry, (slave). 1818-1818. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
2816 Harryman, David. 1801-1822. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
2817 Hart & Smith. 1816-1816. Baltimore, Md.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2818 Hart, Asa. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2819 Hart, Aughary. 1801-1804. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2820 Hart, George. 1818-1820. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2821 Hart, Henry. 1814-1822. Baltimore, Md.. combmaker or brushmaker --
2822 Hart, Henry. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. weaver --
2823 Hart, Lewis. 1801-1815. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2824 Hart, Valentine. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2825 Hart, William. 1810-1810. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
2826 Hart, William. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2827 Hartiott, Frederick. 1799-1799. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2828 Hartley, Simon (BALDERSTON,I.). 1802-1806. Baltimore, Md.. wire worker apprentice --
2829 Hartman, Charles. 1810-1814. Baltimore, Md.. glass maker --
2830 Hartman, Daniel. 1820-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2831 Harvey, John (LAWRENCE, JACOB). 1794-1796. Baltimore, Md.. nailer apprentice --
2832 Harvey, Robert. 1820-1822. Baltimore, Md.. weaver --
2833 Harvey, William. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. weaver --
2834 Harwood, Philip. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2835 Haskell, John. 1816-1822. Baltimore, Md.. tinsmith --
2836 Haskins, Henry. 1802-1802. Baltimore, Md.. coppersmith --
2837 Haskins, Joseph. 1797-1806. Baltimore, Md.. brass founder/brazier --coppersmith --tinsmith --
2838 Haslet, Samuel. 1774-1786. Baltimore, Md.. coppersmith --tinsmith --
2839 Haslett, James. 1803-1822. Baltimore, Md.. gunsmith --
2840 Haslett, James. 1808-1809. Baltimore, Md.. upholsterer --paperhanger --
2841 Hassafras, George. 1796-1801. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2842 Hassam, Josiah. 1796-1816. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
2843 Hasselback, John. 1789-1824. Baltimore, Md.. wheelwright --
2844 Hasselback, John(WRIGHT,MALCO.. 1816-1816. Baltimore, Md.. tinsmith apprentice --
2845 Haswell, John W.. 1814-1822. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
2846 Hatch, Samuel H.. 1820-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2847 Hathaway, Daniel. 1810-1810. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
2848 Hathaway, James. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2849 Hatton, Caleb. 1818-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
2850 Hatton, Hagerty. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
records per page