информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Baltimore, Md.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Baltimore, Md. (7034)

records per page
# Name
3801 Lee, Richard. 1802-1802. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3802 Lee, Samuel. 1796-1799. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
3803 Lee,. 1812-1812. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
3804 Leech, Ann. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpet weaver --
3805 Leeson, Francis. 1796-1796. Baltimore, Md.. nailer --
3806 Lefton, William. 1796-1796. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3807 Legg, Robert. 1818-1818. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3808 Legrand, Samuel D.. 1798-1818. Baltimore, Md.. carver --gilder --painter --turner --
3809 Legrand, William T.. 1810-1817. Baltimore, Md.. sculptor --
3810 LeGras, John Francis. 1792-1798. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
3811 Leidner, George. 1814-1814. Baltimore, Md.. tinsmith --
3812 Leinhart, Frederick. 1812-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3813 Leinhart, Henry. 1796-1814. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
3814 Leinhart, Jacob. 1794-1802. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
3815 Leinhart, Thomas. 1817-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3816 Lelan, Thomas. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3817 Lemesle, Francis. 1810-1810. Baltimore, Md.. tinsmith --
3818 Lenox, James. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
3819 Lenox, William. 1814-1816. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
3820 Lentz, Michael. 1799-1804. Baltimore, Md.. gunsmith --
3821 Leodi, (Cock &). 1816-1816. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
3822 Leonard, Francis. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3823 LePeltier, Francis. 1814-1820. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3824 Leret, Peter. 1787-1801. Baltimore, Md.. silversmith (or jeweller) --engraver --enameller --
3825 Lerew, Abraham. 1796-1817. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --iron furnace (or owner) --
3826 Lerew, George. 1789-1796. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3827 Lerew, John. 1814-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3828 Lesfauries, John. 1801-1802. Baltimore, Md.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
3829 Lesfro, Francis. 1802-1802. Baltimore, Md.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
3830 Leslie, John. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. stonecutter --
3831 Leslie, Robert. 1795-1797. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
3832 Lestar, Rowley. 1810-1810. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
3833 Lester, Shipley. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3834 Lester, Thomas. 1810-1813. Baltimore, Md.. stonemason --
3835 Lester, William. 1797-1797. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
3836 Lester, William. 1803-1803. Baltimore, Md.. stonemason --
3837 Lete,. 1817-1818. Baltimore, Md.. musical inst. maker/mender --
3838 Letherborrow, William & Rogers. 1799-1803. Baltimore, Md.. leather dresser morocco --
3839 Letourneau, John B.M.. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
3840 Letourneau, John. 1801-1801. Baltimore, Md.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
3841 Lett, John. 1802-1802. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
3842 Letter, Thomas. 1799-1810. Baltimore, Md.. bookbinder --
3843 Letty, M.. 1808-1808. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
3844 Levely, George. 1764-1796. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
3845 Levely, Peter. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
3846 Levely, William. 1804-1818. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
3847 Leverham,. 1801-1801. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
3848 Levinder, Levin P.. 1803-1803. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3849 Levoy, Thomas. 1814-1820. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
3850 Levy, Isaac. 1785-1785. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
records per page