информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Baltimore, Md.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Baltimore, Md. (7034)

records per page
# Name
4751 Nogel, Lawson. 1807-1808. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4752 Noler, Alexander. 1774-1774. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4753 Nolte, John Martin. 1807-1822. Baltimore, Md.. turner --
4754 Noollin, John (REEVES,RICHARD). 1791-1791. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith apprentice --
4755 Noone, James (YOUNKER,FRANCIS). 1811-1819. Baltimore, Md.. fancy chair maker appr. --windsor chairmaker appr. --c
4756 Norbury, George. 1799-1822. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
4757 Norie, Walsh & Dixon. 1783-1783. Baltimore, Md.. painter --sign or herald painter --paperhanger --
4758 Noried, James. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. plasterer --
4759 Norman, John. 1813-1817. Baltimore, Md.. brass founder/brazier --
4760 Norman, Samuel. 1803-1808. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
4761 Norris, Benjamin. 1798-1816. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4762 Norris, James. 1799-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4763 Norris, James. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. stonecutter --
4764 Norris, John C., & Co.. 1819-1820. Baltimore, Md.. wire worker --
4765 Norris, Nicholas. 1801-1801. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
4766 Norris, Robert H.. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
4767 Norris, Silas C.. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4768 Norris, Thomas. 1815-1818. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --carpenter --
4769 Norriss, Bezalel. 1779-1779. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith apprentice --
4770 Nortin, James. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. combmaker or brushmaker --
4771 Norton, Jesse. 1816-1816. Baltimore, Md.. brass founder/brazier --
4772 Norwood, John (WEAVER, JOHN). 1818-1818. Baltimore, Md.. painter apprentice --
4773 Nottingham Iron Works. 1746-1795. Baltimore, Md.. iron works (or owner) --
4774 Nowlan, William. 1796-1796. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
4775 Nussear, John. 1813-1817. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
4776 Nussear, Michael R.. 1803-1822. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4777 Nusser, Michael. 1803-1803. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4778 Nutt, John. 1817-1822. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
4779 O'Brien, Michael. 1794-1801. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
4780 O'Bryan, Michael. 1791-1807. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4781 O'Connor, Daniel. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. painter --paint manufacturer --
4782 O'Connor, Michael. 1801-1801. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4783 O'Connor, Patrick. 1803-1803. Baltimore, Md.. bricklayer --
4784 O'Connor, Samuel. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. Venetian blind maker --upholsterer --
4785 O'Hara, Patrick. 1793-1799. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
4786 O'Hara, Samuel. 1796-1818. Baltimore, Md.. painter --sign or herald painter --
4787 O'Harra, Peter. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. stonemason --
4788 O'Laughlin, Peter. 1797-1797. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
4789 O'Loughlan, Lawrence. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
4790 O'Meara, Patrick. 1792-1792. Baltimore, Md.. painter --floor cloth maker --sign or herald painter -
4791 O'Reilly, (Mrs.). 1799-1803. Baltimore, Md.. needleworker --artist --shell worker --artificial flow
4792 O'Tonnor, Terry. 1804-1804. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
4793 Oakly Iron Manufactory. 1807-1807. Baltimore, Md.. iron works (or owner) --
4794 Oakly Nail and Anchor Manuf.. 1789-1792. Baltimore, Md.. anchor smith --nailer --
4795 Oaks, Robert. 1817-1817. Baltimore, Md.. stonecutter --
4796 Oatelston, Joseph. 1796-1796. Baltimore, Md.. stonecutter --
4797 Oehlmayer, Matthias. 1819-1819. Baltimore, Md.. weaver --
4798 Ogden, David. 1808-1814. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --chairmaker (seating) --cabinet warehous
4799 Ogden, Jonathan. 1808-1822. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --cabinet warehouseman --
4800 Ogier, John. 1796-1799. Baltimore, Md.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
records per page