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Main Indexes Location Alexandria, Va.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Alexandria, Va. (888)

records per page
# Name
551 Moulds, William (RHODES, WM.). 1790-1790. Alexandria, Va.. ship/boat builder appr. --
552 Mount, John. 1815-1815. Alexandria, Va.. combmaker or brushmaker --
553 Mount, Thomas. 1810-1820. Alexandria, Va.. combmaker or brushmaker --
554 Moxley, Daniel(FULLMER,JOSEPH). 1790-1790. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
555 Muir, John. 1790-1815. Alexandria, Va.. cabinetmaker --chairmaker (seating) --upholsterer --ma
556 Muir, Mary. 1815-1817. Alexandria, Va.. cabinet warehouseman --
557 Mullen, Ryland (BEEDLE,JOHN W). 1817-1817. Alexandria, Va.. bricklayer apprentice --
558 Munday, William. 1750-1782. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --
559 Munro, Daniel. 1818-1818. Alexandria, Va.. instrument maker --
560 Munroe, George(FULLMER,JOSEPH). 1786-1786. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
561 Munrow, Daniel. 1775-1775. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --
562 Murphy, John. 1758-1760. Alexandria, Va.. joiner (unspecified) --
563 Murray, George. 1787-1787. Alexandria, Va.. coppersmith --tinsmith --
564 Murtland, Robert (WAY, FRED.). 1804-1804. Alexandria, Va.. plasterer apprentice --
565 Myers, Joseph. 1803-1816. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --
566 Nash, Robert. 1803-1814. Alexandria, Va.. gunsmith --gunstocker --
567 Nash, Thomas (McMUNN, GEORGE). 1796-1796. Alexandria, Va.. coppersmith apprentice --
568 Nelson, Henry (HORNER, JOHN). 1816-1816. Alexandria, Va.. blacksmith apprentice --
569 Nevin, Duncan. 1794-1806. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --cabinetmaker --
570 Nevitt, Charles L.. 1809-1812. Alexandria, Va.. brickmaker --
571 Newman, George B. (PRESTON,T.). 1811-1811. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
572 Newton, William C.. 1809-1827. Alexandria, Va.. machinist --carpenter --
573 Nicholson, Lionel (GREEN, WM.). 1827-1827. Alexandria, Va.. cabinetmaker apprentice --
574 Nicholson, Zachariah. 1828-1828. Alexandria, Va.. whitesmith --
575 Niclot, Francis. 1820-1820. Alexandria, Va.. musical inst. maker/mender --
576 Noland, Edward (CHATHAM,JAMES). 1802-1802. Alexandria, Va.. blacksmith apprentice --
577 Noland, Thomas. 1771-1771. Alexandria, Va.. joiner (unspecified) --
578 Norris, Charles. 1814-1820. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter --shipwright or boat builder --
579 Nowland, John Annesley (SHUCK). 1797-1797. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
580 Noyes, Robert. 1817-1818. Alexandria, Va.. painter --coppersmith --sign or herald painter --
581 O'Neal, Francis (MORELAND, L.). 1812-1814. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
582 O'Neal, Francis (ROSS, JOHN). 1814-1815. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
583 O'Reilly, (Mrs.). 1804-1805. Alexandria, Va.. needleworker --artist --shell worker --artificial flow
584 Ogilvie, Francis. 1794-1794. Alexandria, Va.. shipwright or boat builder --
585 Orr, James L. (CUMMINS,WILLIAM. 1794-1794. Alexandria, Va.. oil cloth maker apprentice --umbrella maker apprentice
586 Orsburn, J.. 1815-1815. Alexandria, Va.. artist --
587 Osborne, Archibald. 1820-1822. Alexandria, Va.. blacksmith --
588 Osborne, John. 1822-1822. Alexandria, Va.. blacksmith --
589 Otlay, James. 1806-1806. Alexandria, Va.. painter --
590 Overman, John. 1811-1817. Alexandria, Va.. shipwright or boat builder --
591 Owens, James H.. 1812-1816. Alexandria, Va.. plasterer --
592 Owens, William (d.c.1800). 1800-1800. Alexandria, Va.. bricklayer --
593 Page, William (PATTERSON,JOHN). 1757-1757. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
594 Palmer, Roger (DUFFEY, JOHN). 1803-1803. Alexandria, Va.. combmaker/brushmaker appr. --
595 Pancoast, Jonathan. 1797-1802. Alexandria, Va.. bricklayer --
596 Paradise, William(TURNER,JOHN). 1804-1804. Alexandria, Va.. carpenter apprentice --
597 Parker, John (YOUNG, JAMES). 1794-1794. Alexandria, Va.. blacksmith apprentice --
598 Parker, John. 1803-1806. Alexandria, Va.. blacksmith --
599 Parsons, George (RHODES, WM.). 1795-1795. Alexandria, Va.. ship/boat builder appr. --
600 Parsons, George (WESTON,LEWIS). 1786-1786. Alexandria, Va.. ship/boat builder appr. --
records per page