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Main Indexes Trade clockmaker or watchmaker --
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Trade: clockmaker or watchmaker -- (1152)

records per page
# Name
701 Miller, John P.. 1790-1790. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
702 Miller, Thomas. 1819-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
703 Miller,. 1803-1803. Germantown, Pa.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
704 Millum, Moses. 1819-1820. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
705 Milne, Robert. 1795-1804. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
706 Mitando,. 1806-1806. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
707 Mitchell & Mott. 1792-1803. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
708 Mitchell & Whitney. 1813-1820. Boston, Mass.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
709 Mitchell, Benjamin. 1799-1825. Alexandria, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
710 Mitchell, G. H.. 1816-1816. Richmond, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
711 Mitchell, Henry. 1786-1803. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
712 Mitchell, James. 1752-1752. Yorktown, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
713 Mitchell, John A.. 1815-1820. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
714 Mitchell, Phineas. 1809-1813. Boston, Mass.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
715 Mitchell, Thomas H.. 1816-1820. Richmond, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
716 Moleyneaux, Joseph. 1819-1820. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
717 Mollinger, Henry. 1794-1804. Philadelphia, Pa.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
718 Mongin, David. 1735-1751. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
719 Mongin, David. 1757-1771. Purrysburg Township, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
720 Montanden, Pierre H.. 1815-1815. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
721 Montandon, Julien. 1820-1820. Savannah, Ga.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
722 Monteith, Benjamin. 1817-1818. Philadelphia, Pa.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
723 Montgomery, Robert (d.c.1787). 1787-1787. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
724 Montgomery, Robert. 1786-1786. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
725 Moore, P.. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
726 Moore, Philip. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
727 Morgan & Hart. 1819-1819. Pittsburgh, Pa.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
728 Morgan, Thomas. 1785-1793. Philadelphia, Pa.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
729 Moros, Thomas. 1788-1788. Richmond, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
730 Morrell & Mitchell. 1816-1820. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
731 Morrell, John. 1822-1822. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
732 Morris, Benjamin. 1798-1798. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
733 Morris, Benjamin. 1800-1800. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
734 Morris, Benjamin. 1800-1801. Norfolk, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
735 Morris, Benjamin. 1802-1805. Petersburg, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
736 Morse, B.. 1820-1820. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
737 Morton, Peter. 1802-1802. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
738 Moses, Philip. 1816-1816. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
739 Mosimann, Jacob. 1809-1810. Baltimore, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
740 Mosimann, Jacob. 1815-1825. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
741 Mosley, Lewis. 1784-1786. Richmond, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
742 Mott, Jordon. 1796-1820. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
743 Motto,. 1798-1798. Savannah, Ga.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
744 Mountjoy, John. 1807-1817. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
745 Mourgue, Peter. 1734-1739. Charleston, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
746 Mowroue, Francis. 1815-1816. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
747 Munroe, Charles. 1818-1818. Boston, Mass.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
748 Munroe, Daniel. 1809-1820. Boston, Mass.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
749 Munroe, Nathaniel. 1805-1806. Norfolk, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
750 Murphy & Pollard. 1818-1820. Norfolk, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
records per page