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Main Indexes Trade cabinetmaker --
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Trade: cabinetmaker -- (3346)

records per page
# Name
1101 Foster, Wildon. 1814-1814. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1102 Foster, William C.. 1812-1817. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1103 Fouassier, Francis. 1781-1781. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1104 Foulds, William. 1806-1813. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1105 Foule, John. 1798-1804. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1106 Fouser, David. 1819-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1107 Fowler, Edmund. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1108 Fowler, George. 1665-1701. Princess Anne Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
1109 Fowler, Nicholas. 1812-1812. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1110 Fowler, Theodore. 1820-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1111 Fox, Christian. 1785-1817. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1112 Fox, John. 1775-1800. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1113 Francis, Jacob. 1797-1797. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1114 Francis, Simon. 1798-1803. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1115 Frankford, John. 1818-1818. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1116 Franklin, William. 1794-1814. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1117 Frazer, Alexander. 1785-1797. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1118 Frazer, James. 1817-1818. Fredericksburg, Va.. cabinetmaker --
1119 Frederic, Ursain. 1822-1822. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1120 Frederick, George John. 1803-1811. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1121 Frederick, Samuel. 1800-1800. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1122 Fredericks, F.. 1801-1801. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1123 Free, Samuel. 1797-1799. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1124 Free, Samuel. 1813-1814. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1125 Freed, William. 1817-1817. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1126 Freelock, John. 1799-1799. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1127 Freelove, James. 1800-1800. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1128 Freeman, Amos. 1807-1810. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1129 Freeman, James. 1736-1738. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1130 Freeman, William. 1797-1826. Norfolk Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
1131 Freeman, William. 1802-1817. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1132 Freeman, William. 1810-1814. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1133 Freer, Frederick. 1811-1811. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1134 Freling, Theodore (d.c.1799). 1799-1799. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1135 French, David. 1813-1815. Wilmington, Del.. cabinetmaker --
1136 French, William. 1811-1816. Wilmington, Del.. cabinetmaker --
1137 Frew, John. 1795-1799. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1138 Frick, John. 1815-1818. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1139 Frick, Peter. 1792-1808. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1140 Fricke, Frederick. 1797-1818. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1141 Fricke, Henry. 1819-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1142 Fricker, John. 1813-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1143 Fries, (Steiner &). 1820-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1144 Fries, John Christian William. 1809-1866. Wachovia area, N.C.. cabinetmaker --
1145 Frilb, John. 1812-1812. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1146 Fritz, Jacob. 1809-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1147 Fritz, John. 1806-1806. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1148 Fromantin, Martin. 1822-1822. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1149 Froment, Andrew. 1806-1807. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1150 Froment, Andrew. 1817-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
records per page