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Main Indexes Trade cabinetmaker --
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Trade: cabinetmaker -- (3346)

records per page
# Name
1501 Hubert, John. 1813-1813. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1502 Hudgins, Jesse. 1778-1778. Mathews Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
1503 Hudson, Christian. 1820-1820. Richmond, Va.. cabinetmaker --
1504 Huffmaster, Joseph. 1820-1820. Hawkins Co., Tenn.. cabinetmaker --
1505 Hugg, William. 1813-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1506 Hull & Skaats. 1811-1811. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1507 Hull, John. 1803-1808. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1508 Hull, Oliver. 1814-1814. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1509 Hulthin, Magnus Benjamin. 1806-1826. Wachovia area, N.C.. cabinetmaker --
1510 Humble, Isaac. 1820-1820. Hawkins Co., Tenn.. cabinetmaker --
1511 Humphreville, E.. 1802-1805. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1512 Humphreville, Joshua. 1820-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1513 Humphrey, Levi. 1816-1816. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1514 Humphreys, James. 1799-1803. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1515 Hunt, Mathew. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1516 Hunt, Simon. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1517 Hunt, Thomas. 1792-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1518 Hunt, Timothy & Co.. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1519 Hunt, Ward. 1774-1793. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1520 Hunter, Isaac. 1785-1801. Warren Co., N.C.. cabinetmaker --
1521 Hunter, James. 1800-1807. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1522 Hunter, Richard. 1800-1800. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1523 Hurley, Thomas. 1818-1818. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1524 Husson, Henry. 1806-1818. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1525 Hutcherson, Alexander. 1820-1820. Sumner Co., Tenn.. cabinetmaker --
1526 Hutchinson, James. 1782-1788. Richmond, Va.. cabinetmaker --
1527 Hutchinson, James. 1817-1818. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1528 Hutchinson, Thomas. 1753-1782. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1529 Hutton, Andrew. 1810-1810. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1530 Hutton, Joseph. 1814-1819. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1531 Hyall, John. 1794-1794. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1532 Hyde & Coolidge. 1816-1816. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1533 Hyde, (Adams &). 1806-1806. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1534 Hyde, (Adams, Symonds &). 1805-1805. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1535 Hyde, Nathaniel. 1803-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1536 Hyde, William. 1819-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1537 Hyslop, (Aston &). 1816-1818. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1538 Iagiasco, Jean. 1823-1823. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1539 Ingham, John. 1818-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1540 Ingle & Speakman. 1788-1788. Richmond, Va.. cabinetmaker --
1541 Ingle, Henry. 1788-1789. Richmond, Va.. cabinetmaker --
1542 Ingle, Henry. 1791-1794. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1543 Ingle, Henry. 1800-1801. Alexandria, Va.. cabinetmaker --
1544 Ingle, Joseph. 1791-1791. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1545 Ingleden, John. 1819-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1546 Innis, Michael L.. 1819-1819. Pittsburgh, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1547 Insby, John. 1804-1804. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1548 Insley, John. 1803-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1549 Ireland, Isabel (d.c.1724). 1724-1724. South Carolina (unspecif.). cabinetmaker --
1550 Irving, George. 1820-1820. Morgan Co., Ga.. cabinetmaker --
records per page