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Main Indexes Trade cabinetmaker --
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Trade: cabinetmaker -- (3346)

records per page
# Name
1801 Lenormand, M.. 1811-1811. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1802 Lentz, John. 1794-1797. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1803 Lentz, John. 1797-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1804 Leon, Dionis. 1822-1822. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1805 Leonard & Morse. 1809-1809. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1806 Leonard, Francois. 1822-1822. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1807 Leonard, George. 1792-1792. Charlotte Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
1808 Leroy, Louis. 1811-1822. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1809 Lesley, Peter (II). 1816-1817. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1810 Lester, William. 1797-1797. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1811 Lester, William. 1800-1800. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1812 Lestrade, Joseph. 1817-1817. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1813 Lestrade, Joseph. 1817-1820. Norfolk, Va.. cabinetmaker --
1814 Letel, John. 1802-1802. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1815 Levely, William. 1804-1818. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1816 Leverett, Daniel. 1816-1818. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1817 Lewis & Perrine. 1792-1792. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1818 Lewis, (slave). 1794-1794. Prince Edward Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
1819 Lewis, David. 1808-1819. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1820 Lewis, George. 1807-1809. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1821 Lewis, George. 1816-1817. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1822 Lewis, James. 1819-1819. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1823 Lewis, William. 1809-1809. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1824 Leyburn, John. 1803-1807. Berkeley Co., W.Va.. cabinetmaker --
1825 Liautaux, Lewis. 1811-1811. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1826 Liggett, James. 1815-1819. Pittsburgh, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1827 Liggett, John. 1813-1819. Pittsburgh, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1828 Lihault, Augustus. 1803-1803. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1829 Lilley, Frederick. 1820-1820. Wake Co., N.C.. cabinetmaker --
1830 Lilley, William. 1799-1799. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1831 Linacre, James (II). 1817-1820. Albany, N.Y.. cabinetmaker --
1832 Linacre, James. 1796-1820. Albany, N.Y.. cabinetmaker --
1833 Linacre, John. 1812-1816. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1834 Linacre, Thomas. 1813-1820. Albany, N.Y.. cabinetmaker --
1835 Lincoln, Caleb. 1817-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1836 Linden, Henry. 1801-1805. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1837 Lindenberger, Charles. 1796-1804. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1838 Lindley, John. 1819-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1839 Lindsay, Adam. 1795-1795. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1840 Lindsay, John. 1794-1800. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1841 Lindsay, Nathaniel. 1810-1810. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1842 Lindsay, Robert. 1803-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
1843 Lining, Alexander (d.c.1769). 1769-1769. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
1844 Linke,. 1793-1793. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1845 Linnett, John. 1799-1799. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
1846 Lintner, John. 1796-1797. New York City. cabinetmaker --
1847 Linton, Willis. 1748-1768. Norfolk Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
1848 Linzee, Nathaniel. 1813-1813. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
1849 Liotau, Ferdinand. 1811-1822. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
1850 Lipper, Henry (d.c.1808). 1808-1808. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
records per page