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Main Indexes Trade cabinetmaker --
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Trade: cabinetmaker -- (3346)

records per page
# Name
2701 Silence, John. 1807-1819. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2702 Silva, John. 1802-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2703 Simmonds, William. 1801-1801. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2704 Simmons, Andrew. 1810-1810. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
2705 Simmons, David. 1820-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2706 Simmons, Henry. 1804-1808. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
2707 Simmons, James E.. 1850-1850. Tarboro, N.C.. cabinetmaker --
2708 Simmons, James. 1784-1790. Jacksonboro, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
2709 Simon, John. 1800-1800. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2710 Simon, Louis. 1822-1822. New Orleans, La.. cabinetmaker --
2711 Simons, William. 1810-1810. Frankfort, Ky.. cabinetmaker --
2712 Simons, William. 1814-1814. Nashville, Tenn.. cabinetmaker --
2713 Simpson, Isaac. 1819-1819. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2714 Simpson, Josiah. 1789-1789. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
2715 Sims, Henry. 1795-1808. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2716 Sinamon, Daniel. 1821-1821. Rowan Co., N.C.. cabinetmaker --
2717 Sinclair, Thomas M.. 1817-1819. Loudoun Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
2718 Sinclair, William. 1818-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2719 Sink, Lawrence. 1794-1819. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2720 Sisson, James. 1817-1817. Albany, N.Y.. cabinetmaker --
2721 Skaats, Edward. 1808-1812. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2722 Skaats, Edward. 1814-1814. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2723 Skaats, Edward. 1816-1816. Richmond, Va.. cabinetmaker --
2724 Skaats, John E.. 1811-1811. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2725 Skinner, Samuel. 1783-1790. Chowan Co., N.C.. cabinetmaker --
2726 Slemmer, Matthias. 1820-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2727 Slingsby, Thomas. 1819-1819. Cincinnati, Ohio. cabinetmaker --
2728 Sloan, John. 1806-1806. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2729 Sloan, Robert. 1807-1812. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2730 Slover & Kortwright. 1795-1795. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2731 Slover & Taylor. 1802-1804. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2732 Slover, Abraham A.. 1792-1805. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2733 Slover, William. 1804-1804. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2734 Small, Thomas. 1820-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2735 Small, William. 1823-1823. Portland, Me.. cabinetmaker --
2736 Smelt, Robert. 1795-1795. Elizabeth City Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
2737 Smith & Hitchings. 1803-1803. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
2738 Smith & Low. 1810-1810. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
2739 Smith, (Douglas &). 1790-1790. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2740 Smith, Aaron. 1802-1803. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2741 Smith, Augustus. 1819-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2742 Smith, Charles. 1795-1805. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2743 Smith, Francis. 1794-1795. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2744 Smith, Francis. 1820-1820. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
2745 Smith, Frederick. 1819-1822. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
2746 Smith, George Elias. 1806-1816. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
2747 Smith, George M.. 1820-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
2748 Smith, Harvey. 1818-1818. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2749 Smith, John (I). 1797-1803. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
2750 Smith, John (I). 1809-1820. Boston, Mass.. cabinetmaker --
records per page