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Main Indexes Location New York City
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: New York City (4238)

records per page
# Name
2301 Little, George. 1806-1808. New York City. joiner (unspecified) --
2302 Littlewood, William. 1795-1795. New York City. whitesmith --
2303 Livingston, Anthony. 1809-1811. New York City. stonecutter --
2304 Lloyd, Francis R.. 1797-1797. New York City. carver --
2305 Lock, Henry. 1796-1805. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
2306 Lockhart, James. 1806-1807. New York City. stonecutter --
2307 Lockhart, Robert. 1806-1807. New York City. stonecutter --
2308 Lockman, Isaac. 1819-1820. New York City. copperplate printer --
2309 Lockwood & Cheavens. 1808-1808. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) -
2310 Lockwood & Reed. 1807-1807. New York City. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2311 Lockwood, (Forbes &). 1806-1806. New York City. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2312 Lockwood, A.. 1817-1820. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2313 Lockwood, Charles. 1809-1816. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) -
2314 Lockwood, James. 1798-1807. New York City. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2315 Lockwood, James. 1810-1811. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2316 Loerback, John. 1805-1805. New York City. stonecutter --
2317 Logan, Adam. 1803-1820. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2318 Loker, Marshall. 1818-1818. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2319 Long, Christian. 1807-1809. New York City. coppersmith --
2320 Longley, Henry. 1809-1810. New York City. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2321 Longley, Richard. 1812-1812. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2322 Longley, William. 1819-1820. New York City. turner --
2323 Looker, James. 1810-1811. New York City. stonecutter --
2324 Lopez, Isaac. 1819-1820. New York City. whitesmith --
2325 Loring & Egerton. 1811-1811. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2326 Loring, David. 1807-1814. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2327 Lorn, Stephen. 1820-1820. New York City. silversmith (or jeweller) --
2328 Losado, Isaac. 1805-1809. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2329 Lothian, George. 1820-1820. New York City. engraver --
2330 Lott, Alexander. 1806-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2331 Loughbourough, William. 1816-1816. New York City. artist --
2332 Loughlen, F.. 1806-1807. New York City. brass founder/brazier --
2333 Loughlen, John. 1803-1820. New York City. brass founder/brazier --
2334 Loughlen, John. 1810-1811. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
2335 Louis, Tissot A.. 1802-1804. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
2336 Lounsbury, John. 1810-1810. New York City. carver --
2337 Lovell, Thomas. 1811-1812. New York City. stonecutter --
2338 Lovett, George. 1811-1817. New York City. stonecutter --
2339 Lovett, Jonas. 1812-1812. New York City. stonecutter --
2340 Lovett, Thomas & Jonas. 1812-1812. New York City. stonecutter --
2341 Low, Marinus. 1799-1799. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
2342 Lowere, Talman. 1816-1816. New York City. painter --
2343 Lowle, Peter. 1795-1798. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2344 Lowson, John. 1805-1805. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2345 Loyd, Richard. 1789-1809. New York City. upholsterer --
2346 Loyd, William. 1794-1795. New York City. joiner (unspecified) --
2347 Lucas, Richard. 1797-1797. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2348 Lucet, James. 1802-1810. New York City. silversmith (or jeweller) --composition ornament maker
2349 Luckey, John. 1818-1818. New York City. cabinetmaker --
2350 Lucky, Robert. 1809-1809. New York City. stonecutter --
records per page