информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location New York City
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: New York City (4238)

records per page
# Name
3701 Thomas, Benjamin. 1807-1820. New York City. brass founder/brazier --
3702 Thomas, Benjamin. 1819-1819. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
3703 Thomas, Daniel. 1815-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --musical inst. maker/mender --
3704 Thomas, David. 1804-1812. New York City. cabinetmaker --
3705 Thomas, Elias. 1805-1820. New York City. carver --
3706 Thomas, Henry. 1793-1796. New York City. cabinetmaker --
3707 Thomas, Henry. 1812-1817. New York City. carver --
3708 Thomas, James. 1805-1807. New York City. turner --carpenter --
3709 Thomas, John. 1810-1814. New York City. brass founder/brazier --
3710 Thomas, Owen. 1807-1811. New York City. cabinetmaker --
3711 Thomas, Thomas. 1786-1793. New York City. brass founder/brazier --coppersmith --tinsmith --
3712 Thomas, Timothy. 1814-1820. New York City. turner --
3713 Thompson & Clussman. 1817-1820. New York City. coppersmith --
3714 Thompson & Dick. 1802-1802. New York City. coppersmith --
3715 Thompson, (Mr.). 1790-1816. New York City. coppersmith --
3716 Thompson, Adam. 1805-1805. New York City. cabinetmaker --
3717 Thompson, Alexander. 1806-1806. New York City. brass founder/brazier --
3718 Thompson, Bernard. 1812-1819. New York City. chair painter --
3719 Thompson, James. 1807-1812. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
3720 Thompson, James. 1810-1810. New York City. coppersmith --
3721 Thompson, James. 1813-1815. New York City. cabinetmaker --
3722 Thompson, John. 1803-1814. New York City. artist --
3723 Thompson, John. 1811-1811. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
3724 Thompson, John. 1817-1818. New York City. coppersmith --
3725 Thompson, Peter. 1815-1817. New York City. coppersmith --
3726 Thompson, S. & P.. 1814-1816. New York City. coppersmith --
3727 Thompson, Samuel. 1803-1820. New York City. coppersmith --tinsmith --
3728 Thomson, E.R.. 1820-1820. New York City. cabinetmaker --
3729 Thomson, William. 1809-1820. New York City. silversmith (or jeweller) --
3730 Thoret, John. 1790-1790. New York City. joiner (unspecified) --
3731 Thorn, Benjamin. 1812-1820. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
3732 Thorp, Abraham. 1809-1816. New York City. cabinetmaker --
3733 Thresher, George. 1806-1806. New York City. artist --
3734 Throckmorton, Reid R.. 1818-1818. New York City. turner --
3735 Thurston, Grindall. 1794-1797. New York City. gunsmith --whitesmith --
3736 Thurston, Joshua. 1820-1820. New York City. musical inst. maker/mender --
3737 Thurston, Peter. 1796-1819. New York City. carver --
3738 Thurston, Peter. 1812-1814. New York City. gold beater --
3739 Tice, Peter B.. 1811-1815. New York City. gunsmith --
3740 Tiebout, Alexander. 1796-1800. New York City. clockmaker or watchmaker --
3741 Tiebout, Cornelius. 1791-1800. New York City. engraver --copperplate printer --
3742 Tillman, William J.. 1811-1815. New York City. enameller --
3743 Tillyou, Francis. 1789-1811. New York City. chairmaker (woven seat) --turner --fancy chairmaker
3744 Tillyou, Matthew. 1815-1817. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
3745 Tillyou, Peter. 1791-1811. New York City. chairmaker (woven seat) --turner --chairmaker (seating
3746 Tillyou, Vincent. 1786-1807. New York City. chairmaker (woven seat) --windsor chairmaker --turner
3747 Tillyou, William. 1791-1814. New York City. chairmaker (woven seat) --turner --chairmaker (seating
3748 Timbeler, William. 1801-1801. New York City. stonecutter --
3749 Timon, James. 1798-1799. New York City. textile printer --
3750 Timpson & Basset. 1792-1792. New York City. cabinetmaker --
records per page