информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек
Main Indexes Location Hartford, CT
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Hartford, CT (64)

records per page
# Name
1 Addams, Lemuel. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. cabinetmaker --
2 Beach, Miles. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. silversmith (or jeweller) --
3 Berry, P.L.. 1807-1807. Hartford, CT. carpenter --
4 Boardman, T.D. & S.. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. pewterer --
5 Bradley, Richard. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker -
6 Bright, Jonathan. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. upholsterer --
7 Buel, Abel. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. whitesmith --silver plater --
8 Bunce, Jason. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. coppersmith --
9 Catlin, George. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. musical inst. maker/mender --
10 Chapin, Aaron. 1799-1825. Hartford, CT. cabinetmaker --cabinet warehouseman --silversmith (or
11 Choate, Joseph. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. chairmaker (unspecified) --
12 Church, Joseph. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker -
13 Colton, Aaron. 1799-1825. Hartford, CT. cabinetmaker --cabinet warehouseman --
14 Cornwell, Daniel. 1812-1812. Hartford, CT. painter --
15 Danforth, Samuel. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. pewterer --
16 Dewey, Daniel. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. cabinetmaker --cabinet warehouseman --
17 Doolittle & Goodyear. 1790-1790. Hartford, CT. bell founder --
18 Doolittle, Enos. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. brass founder/brazier --
19 Fairchild, L.. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. engraver --
20 Goodale, Daniel. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. potter --
21 Goodwin & Webster. 1825-1840. Hartford, CT. potter --
22 Goodwin, Allyn. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker -
23 Goodwin, Horace. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker -
24 Goodyear, Jesse. 1787-1790. Hartford, CT. bell founder --
25 Graphic Company. 1820-1825. Hartford, CT. engraver --
26 Greenleaf, David. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. clockmaker or watchmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) -
27 Hanks, A. & T.. 1826-1826. Hartford, CT. iron furnace (or owner) --
28 Hartford Air Furnace. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. iron forge (or owner) --
29 Hill & Hills. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. cabinetmaker --
30 Hills, (Hill &). 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. cabinetmaker --cabinet warehouseman --
31 Huntington, E.. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. engraver --
32 Kennedy, Leonard. 1803-1804. Hartford, CT. inventor --
33 Kingsley, Appolus. 1796-1796. Hartford, CT. inventor --
34 Mills, Zachariah, & Co.. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. wallpaper printer --trunk maker --
35 Nelson, Stephen R.. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. cabinet warehouseman --
36 Oakes, Frederick. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker -
37 Parker, Thomas (I). 1785-1819. Hartford, CT. clockmaker or watchmaker --card maker (playing cards)
38 Pelton, Oliver. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. engraver --
39 Porter, John. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. cabinetmaker --
40 Prentice, Oliver. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. chairmaker (seating) --
41 Reed, Abner. 1816-1816. Hartford, CT. engraver --
42 Roberts, Waterman. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. stonecutter --
43 Sargeant, Jacob. 1799-1825. Hartford, CT. clockmaker or watchmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) -
44 Selden, John. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. potter --
45 Seymour, Friend. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. brass founder/brazier --
46 Seymour, John. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. potter --
47 Seymour, Nathaniel. 1799-1799. Hartford, CT. potter --
48 Shepard, Benoni. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. cabinetmaker --
49 Steele, Samuel. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. coppersmith --
50 Sweetland, Apollos. 1825-1825. Hartford, CT. stonecutter --
records per page