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Active date: 1810-1819 (86)

records per page
# Name
51 McCauley, George. 1810-1819. Washington, D.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
52 McClurg, Joseph. 1810-1819. Pittsburgh, Pa.. iron furnace (or owner) --
53 McKee, William. 1810-1819. Washington, D.C.. gunsmith --gunstocker --
54 Miltenberger, Anthony. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. brickmaker --
55 Moore, Gersham. 1810-1819. Norfolk, Va.. carpenter --
56 Morris, Mary. 1810-1819. Philadelphia, Pa.. artist --
57 Mullikin, Basil. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --shipwright or boat builder --
58 Murray, John. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
59 Noble, Alexander. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. dyer --
60 Peacock, William. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
61 Pearson, Reuben. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
62 Perry, David. 1810-1819. New York City. iron furnace (or owner) --
63 Piper, John. 1810-1819. New York City. potter --
64 Price & Watson. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. lumberyard proprietor --
65 Reddish, Thomas. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
66 Reed, John. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. cabinetmaker --
67 Richards, Dutton. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
68 Richardson, Jabez. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. pewterer --
69 Ringrose, James. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. shipwright or boat builder --
70 Sankey, William. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
71 Schearer, George. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
72 Sipe, Michael. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
73 Smith, Charles. 1810-1819. New York City. silversmith (or jeweller) --
74 Stewart, Adam. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. musical inst. maker/mender --inventor --engineer --mac
75 Stidger, David. 1810-1819. New York City. chairmaker (unspecified) --
76 Stubblefield, James. 1810-1819. Jefferson Co., W.Va.. gunsmith --
77 Thompson, Alexander (II). 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. carpenter --
78 Tolman, Jeremiah. 1810-1819. Boston, Mass.. clockmaker or watchmaker --
79 Vanbuskirk, John. 1810-1819. New York City. carver --
80 Wallace, Phoebe. 1810-1819. New York City. upholsterer --
81 Watson, Henry. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. painter --
82 Way, George. 1810-1819. Washington, D.C.. glass maker --
83 Whitney, Lebius. 1810-1819. Philadelphia, Pa.. cabinetmaker --
84 Winn, John. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
85 Woodruff, Ichabod. 1810-1819. Lexington, Ky.. silver plater --brass founder/brazier --bell founder
86 Zorn, Christian. 1810-1819. Baltimore, Md.. plasterer --
records per page