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Location: Falmouth, Va. (13)
# |
Name |
1 |
Airs, Wm. (DAVENPORT & TR.). 1790-1790. Falmouth, Va.. nailer apprentice -- |
2 |
Edzard, Esdras Theador. 1755-1763. Falmouth, Va.. carpenter -- |
3 |
Jack, (slave). 1798-1798. Falmouth, Va.. blacksmith -- |
4 |
Pendleton, Robert. 1809-1809. Falmouth, Va.. carpenter -- |
5 |
Pittman, John. 1787-1795. Falmouth, Va.. silversmith (or jeweller) --clockmaker or watchmaker - |
6 |
Sullivan, Enoch (PITTMAN,JOHN). 1791-1791. Falmouth, Va.. silversmith apprentice -- |
7 |
Sullivan, George(PITTMAN,JOHN). 1791-1793. Falmouth, Va.. silversmith apprentice -- |
8 |
Triplett, Daniel. 1789-1793. Falmouth, Va.. nailer -- |
9 |
Voss, Nicholas. 1811-1811. Falmouth, Va.. bricklayer --brickmaker --plasterer -- |
10 |
Walker, Alexander. 1798-1798. Falmouth, Va.. cabinetmaker --cabinet warehouseman -- |
11 |
West, Thomas. 1791-1803. Falmouth, Va.. blacksmith --nailer -- |
12 |
Williams, Jesse. 1798-1803. Falmouth, Va.. nailer -- |
13 |
Young, Andrew. 1798-1798. Falmouth, Va.. stonecutter -- |