Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values.
Active date: 1801-1809 (29)
# |
Name |
1 |
Alley & Richardson. 1801-1809. Boston, Mass.. coppersmith -- |
2 |
Allwine, John. 1801-1809. Philadelphia, Pa.. windsor chairmaker --chairmaker (seating) -- |
3 |
Ballentine, James. 1801-1809. Norfolk Co., Va.. blacksmith -- |
4 |
Bannerman, John. 1801-1809. Baltimore, Md.. engraver --copperplate printer -- |
5 |
Bloer, Robert. 1801-1809. Philadelphia, Pa.. calico glazer --dyer -- |
6 |
Burgess, John. 1801-1809. Norfolk, Va.. shipwright or boat builder -- |
7 |
Callieu, Lazett. 1801-1809. Philadelphia, Pa.. needleworker --buttonmaker -- |
8 |
Evans, Thomas. 1801-1809. Norfolk Co., Va.. wheelwright -- |
9 |
Faunce, Jacob. 1801-1809. Baltimore, Md.. brickmaker -- |
10 |
Gray, John. 1801-1809. Norfolk, Va.. tinsmith -- |
11 |
Higgins, Matthias B.. 1801-1809. New York City. painter -- |
12 |
Hill, Andrew. 1801-1809. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder -- |
13 |
Keill, Peter. 1801-1809. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter -- |
14 |
Ker, Rhoda. 1801-1809. Augusta, Ga.. needleworker -- |
15 |
Lumsden, Thomas. 1801-1809. Norfolk, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker -- |
16 |
Mair, James. 1801-1809. Charleston, S.C.. gardener -- |
17 |
Martin, Robert. 1801-1809. Philadelphia, Pa.. buttonmaker --silver plater --gilder on metal -- |
18 |
McAlister, John. 1801-1809. Baltimore, Md.. plasterer -- |
19 |
Moore, John. 1801-1809. Norfolk, Va.. blacksmith --brass founder/brazier --gunsmith -- |
20 |
Mulheren, John. 1801-1809. Beaufort, S.C.. carpenter -- |
21 |
Mull, Benedict. 1801-1809. Rowan Co., N.C.. potter -- |
22 |
O'Daniel, John (WOODSON,DAVID). 1801-1809. Salisbury, N.C.. cabinetmaker apprentice -- |
23 |
Piercy, Jacob. 1801-1809. Philadelphia, Pa.. potter -- |
24 |
Rayner, Thomas. 1801-1809. Philadelphia, Pa.. whitesmith -- |
25 |
Richardson, (Alley &). 1801-1809. Boston, Mass.. coppersmith -- |
26 |
Sharp, Robert. 1801-1809. Philadelphia, Pa.. tinsmith -- |
27 |
Strobel, Lewis. 1801-1809. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer -- |
28 |
Violeau, James. 1801-1809. Augusta, Ga.. painter --sign or herald painter --gilder --japanner - |
29 |
Wright, William. 1801-1809. Norfolk, Va.. dyer -- |