Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values.
Location: Camden, S.C. (85)
# |
Name |
51 |
Lang, James. 1818-1818. Camden, S.C.. blacksmith -- |
52 |
Langley, (Mrs.). 1817-1817. Camden, S.C.. needleworker -- |
53 |
Lee,. 1820-1820. Camden, S.C.. brickmaker -- |
54 |
Levy, C.. 1819-1819. Camden, S.C.. brickmaker -- |
55 |
Logan, Wesley (THOMPSON, WM.). 1818-1818. Camden, S.C.. windsor chairmaker appr. -- |
56 |
Lopez, Samuel. 1817-1820. Camden, S.C.. tinsmith -- |
57 |
Mathieu, J.B.. 1816-1820. Camden, S.C.. artist -- |
58 |
McCooll, Adam. 1768-1784. Camden, S.C.. blacksmith -- |
59 |
McKae, Alexander. 1816-1816. Camden, S.C.. blacksmith -- |
60 |
McNeill, John. 1816-1820. Camden, S.C.. blacksmith -- |
61 |
Milhous, John. 1782-1797. Camden, S.C.. surveyor -- |
62 |
Money, John. 1765-1799. Camden, S.C.. cabinetmaker -- |
63 |
Noel & Pfeuty. 1817-1817. Camden, S.C.. gunsmith --cutler --silver plater -- |
64 |
October, (slave). 1806-1808. Camden, S.C.. carpenter -- |
65 |
Pain, John. 1750-1776. Camden, S.C.. blacksmith -- |
66 |
Parker, John. 1818-1818. Camden, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) -- |
67 |
Parker, William D.. 1808-1819. Camden, S.C.. cabinetmaker -- |
68 |
Parker, William. 1816-1824. Camden, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) -- |
69 |
Pfeuty, (Noel &). 1817-1817. Camden, S.C.. gunsmith --cutler --silver plater -- |
70 |
Prince, (slave). 1816-1816. Camden, S.C.. blacksmith -- |
71 |
Robertson, William. 1817-1817. Camden, S.C.. carpenter -- |
72 |
Robinson, John. 1775-1775. Camden, S.C.. carpenter -- |
73 |
Sam, (slave). 1815-1815. Camden, S.C.. blacksmith -- |
74 |
Sanders, Henry. 1775-1775. Camden, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) -- |
75 |
Scipio, (slave). 1814-1814. Camden, S.C.. carpenter -- |
76 |
Smith, Jeremiah. 1816-1820. Camden, S.C.. blacksmith -- |
77 |
Sparrow, John R.. 1816-1816. Camden, S.C.. painter --sign or herald painter -- |
78 |
Terry, Stephen. 1754-1769. Camden, S.C.. carpenter -- |
79 |
Thompson, William. 1816-1820. Camden, S.C.. windsor chairmaker --turner --chair painter --chairmak |
80 |
Tolman, John. 1817-1817. Camden, S.C.. artist -- |
81 |
Warlick, Absalom. 1817-1817. Camden, S.C.. carpenter -- |
82 |
Warren, Thomas. 1816-1820. Camden, S.C.. cabinetmaker -- |
83 |
Williams, James. 1817-1817. Camden, S.C.. painter -- |
84 |
Workman, John. 1817-1820. Camden, S.C.. millwright --carpenter --coach or riding chairmaker -- |
85 |
Young, Alexander. 1808-1820. Camden, S.C.. clockmaker or watchmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) - |