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Main Indexes Location Gloucester Co., Va.
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Location: Gloucester Co., Va. (90)

records per page
# Name
51 Moorcock, Robert. 1679-1679. Gloucester Co., Va.. shipwright or boat builder --
52 Moore, John. 1728-1744. Gloucester Co., Va.. bricklayer --master builder
53 Muir, William. 1757-1757. Gloucester Co., Va.. joiner (unspecified) --
54 Nash, William. 1745-1745. Gloucester Co., Va.. bricklayer --
55 Owen, George. 1781-1781. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
56 Parrot, Robert. 1745-1758. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
57 Pate, Thomas. 1677-1694. Gloucester Co., Va.. plasterer --
58 Peacock, Samuel. 1738-1738. Gloucester Co., Va.. painter --
59 Pegram, George (DUVALL,DANIEL). 1704-1704. Gloucester Co., Va.. joiner apprentice --
60 Peters, John. 1751-1751. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
61 Philpots, Benjamin. 1770-1770. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
62 Pollard, Thomas. 1769-1770. Gloucester Co., Va.. blacksmith --
63 Powell, Thomas. 1679-1699. Gloucester Co., Va.. plasterer --painter --artist --
64 Pryer, Robert. 1695-1708. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
65 Puller, James. 1767-1767. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
66 Rand, William. 1736-1747. Gloucester Co., Va.. master builder --
67 Ransone, William. 1771-1771. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
68 Reade, Robert. 1749-1751. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
69 Robinson, John(MOORCOCK,ROB.). 1679-1679. Gloucester Co., Va.. ship/boat builder appr. --
70 Ross, Francis. 1771-1771. Gloucester Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
71 Royston, John. 1773-1773. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
72 Sallis, Samuel. 1679-1679. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
73 Seayres, John. 1680-1680. Gloucester Co., Va.. joiner (unspecified) --
74 Singleton, Henry. 1714-1714. Gloucester Co., Va.. plasterer --
75 Skelton, James. 1719-1754. Gloucester Co., Va.. master builder --
76 Smart, W.. 1811-1811. Gloucester Co., Va.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
77 Smith, Lawrence. 1685-1700. Gloucester Co., Va.. surveyor --
78 Smith, Thomas. 1767-1767. Gloucester Co., Va.. shipwright or boat builder --
79 Thornton, William. 1670-1690. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
80 Tompkins, John. 1752-1754. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
81 True, Robert. 1690-1690. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
82 Wake, Robert (MUIR, WILLIAM). 1757-1757. Gloucester Co., Va.. joiner apprentice --
83 Walden, Lewis. 1773-1773. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
84 Walters, William. 1738-1738. Gloucester Co., Va.. joiner (unspecified) --
85 Ward, John. 1733-1733. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
86 Waters, William. 1738-1738. Gloucester Co., Va.. joiner (unspecified) --chairmaker (seating) --
87 Whiting, Francis. 1714-1714. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
88 Wiatt, John. 1754-1768. Gloucester Co., Va.. carpenter --
89 Wilson, George. 1704-1704. Gloucester Co., Va.. shipwright or boat builder --
90 Wood, John. 1773-1773. Gloucester Co., Va.. bricklayer --
records per page