Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values.
Location: Winchester, Va. (124)
# |
Name |
101 |
Shick, Lawrence. 1800-1800. Winchester, Va.. combmaker or brushmaker -- |
102 |
Sittler, Isaac. 1780-1806. Winchester, Va.. coppersmith -- |
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Sittler, James W.. 1806-1813. Winchester, Va.. coppersmith -- |
104 |
Slater, Edward. 1787-1823. Winchester, Va.. cabinetmaker --architect --carpenter -- |
105 |
Slote, John. 1791-1820. Winchester, Va.. carpenter -- |
106 |
Smith, Charles. 1758-1776. Winchester, Va.. master builder -- |
107 |
Smith, Isaac. 1800-1819. Winchester, Va.. chairmaker (seating) -- |
108 |
Smith, John (UNKNOWN MASTER). 1788-1788. Winchester, Va.. painter apprentice -- |
109 |
Somersall, John. 1799-1801. Winchester, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) - |
110 |
Spurk, Peter. 1790-1790. Winchester, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker -- |
111 |
Stubblefield, Robert B.. 1793-1793. Winchester, Va.. cabinetmaker apprentice -- |
112 |
Taylor, Robert. 1812-1812. Winchester, Va.. millwright -- |
113 |
Taylor, Simon. 1751-1764. Winchester, Va.. carpenter -- |
114 |
Thompson, Hugh. 1799-1800. Winchester, Va.. tinsmith -- |
115 |
Warrell, James. 1802-1802. Winchester, Va.. artist -- |
116 |
Webb, Charles F.. 1801-1801. Winchester, Va.. upholsterer --paperhanger --mattress maker -- |
117 |
Wells, Robert. 1787-1799. Winchester, Va.. clockmaker or watchmaker --silversmith (or jeweller) - |
118 |
Welsh, James. 1803-1803. Winchester, Va.. cabinetmaker -- |
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Wheelan, Dennis. 1787-1787. Winchester, Va.. engraver -- |
120 |
White, Richard. 1790-1790. Winchester, Va.. bookbinder -- |
121 |
Williamson, Thomas. 1801-1801. Winchester, Va.. tinsmith -- |
122 |
Woolwine, Philip. 1774-1783. Winchester, Va.. potter -- |
123 |
Yardley, William (LUPTON,JOHN). 1794-1802. Winchester, Va.. blacksmith apprentice -- |
124 |
Zane, Isaac. 1766-1795. Winchester, Va.. iron works (or owner) -- |