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Active date: 1746-1746 (51)

records per page
# Name
1 Banks, William (GIBBONS, THO.). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
2 Bell, Joseph. 1746-1746. Spotsylvania Co., Va.. carpenter --
3 Berry, Robert (HOLLOWELL,SAM.). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
4 Brewer, Sackville (TILLMAN,W.). 1746-1746. Brunswick Co., Va.. blacksmith apprentice --
5 Chambers, Edmund (d.c.1746). 1746-1746. Frederick Co., Va.. carpenter --
6 Chelson, Stephen. 1746-1746. Lancaster Co., Va.. carpenter --joiner (unspecified) --
7 Chency,. 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
8 Clay, Percival. 1746-1746. Northumberland Co., Va.. blacksmith --
9 Clift,. 1746-1746. Orange Co., Va.. blacksmith --
10 Collins, George (MOSELEY,BEN.). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
11 Conner, Edmund. 1746-1746. Baltimore, Md.. blacksmith --
12 Cuffee, (slave). 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
13 Dick, (slave). 1746-1746. St.John Berkeley Psh.,S.C.. carpenter --
14 Elmes, Benjamin. 1746-1746. St. Andrew Parish, S.C.. joiner (unspecified) --
15 Embry, John (d.c.1746). 1746-1746. Stafford Co., Va.. bricklayer --
16 Favell, Thomas. 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. cabinetmaker --
17 Fillow, Joseph. 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. nailer --
18 Fortune, (slave). 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
19 Freeman, John. 1746-1746. Bertie Co., N.C.. wheelwright --
20 Freeman, Thomas. 1746-1746. Bertie Co., N.C.. carpenter --
21 Gridley, Richard. 1746-1746. Nova Scotia, Canada. artist --
22 Gussee, (slave). 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
23 Harvey, Alexander(OLDNER,GEO.). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
24 Howard, John (alias Johnson). 1746-1746. Williamsburg, Va.. carpenter --
25 Johnson, John (JONES, PHILIP). 1746-1746. Gloucester Co., Va.. wheelwright apprentice --
26 Lancashire, (slave). 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. shipwright or boat builder --
27 Larkin, Francis. 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
28 Linton, Willis (ELMSLEY, JOHN). 1746-1746. Norfolk Co., Va.. cabinetmaker apprentice --
29 Lucas, Robert. 1746-1746. United States(unspecified). founder (unspecified) --
30 Lym, (slave). 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. bricklayer --
31 Masten, William. 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter --
32 Mingo, (slave). 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
33 Moore, Anthony (OLDNER,GEORGE). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
34 Morgan, William (d.c.1746). 1746-1746. Craven Co., N.C.. carpenter --
35 Neale, Thomas. 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. blacksmith --
36 Pitts, Richard. 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
37 Pompey, (slave/QUASHY). 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter apprentice --
38 Quashy, (slave). 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. carpenter --
39 Rogerson, Josiah. 1746-1746. England. cutler --
40 Smart, William (d.c.1746). 1746-1746. Georgetown, S.C.. blacksmith --
41 Smith, Joseph. 1746-1746. Talbot Co., Md.. weaver --
42 Smith, Samuel (WALLI_GH, JOHN). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. blacksmith apprentice --
43 Stoaks, Thomas (MASTEN, WM.). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
44 Stringfellow, William(d.c.1746. 1746-1746. King George Co., Va.. blacksmith --
45 Tobin, James. 1746-1746. Charleston, S.C.. brass founder/brazier --tinsmith --
46 Weymouth, John (II). 1746-1746. Hampton, Va.. shipwright or boat builder --
47 Whall_gh, John. 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. blacksmith --
48 White, James (HARDEN, WILLIAM). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
49 Whitehurst, Henry (EDMONDS,A.). 1746-1746. Princess Anne Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
50 Wilkinson, Anthony. 1746-1746. Norfolk Co., Va.. brickmaker --
records per page