Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values.
Location: Prince Georges Co., Md. (38)
# |
Name |
1 |
Bateman, John. 1745-1745. Prince Georges Co., Md.. stonemason --bricklayer -- |
2 |
Ben, (slave). 1806-1806. Prince Georges Co., Md.. gardener -- |
3 |
Burrell, Alexander. 1772-1772. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith -- |
4 |
Butler, Thomas. 1750-1750. Prince Georges Co., Md.. bricklayer --plasterer -- |
5 |
Butler, William. 1794-1794. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter -- |
6 |
Carnole, Samuel. 1756-1758. Prince Georges Co., Md.. weaver -- |
7 |
Collard, Samuel. 1753-1754. Prince Georges Co., Md.. joiner (unspecified) -- |
8 |
Cook, Joseph. 1813-1820. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter -- |
9 |
Coreshil, Thomas. 1769-1769. Prince Georges Co., Md.. stonemason -- |
10 |
Dick, (slave). 1792-1792. Prince Georges Co., Md.. shipwright or boat builder -- |
11 |
Frank, (slave). 1779-1779. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter -- |
12 |
Gray, Hezekiah (HARVEY, WM.). 1816-1819. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter apprentice -- |
13 |
Hagan,. 1759-1759. Prince Georges Co., Md.. brickmaker -- |
14 |
Harvey, William. 1816-1819. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter -- |
15 |
Jones, Charles. 1797-1816. Prince Georges Co., Md.. millwright -- |
16 |
Key, John. 1748-1748. Prince Georges Co., Md.. weaver -- |
17 |
Lanham, Benjamin. 1818-1819. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith -- |
18 |
Lucas, Thomas. 1721-1721. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter -- |
19 |
Mahoney, John. 1794-1794. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter -- |
20 |
McGill, John (c.1816). 1816-1816. Prince Georges Co., Md.. surveyor -- |
21 |
Nevitt, Thomas (MAHONEY, JOHN). 1794-1794. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter apprentice -- |
22 |
Nichols, William. 1776-1776. Prince Georges Co., Md.. gunsmith --locksmith -- |
23 |
Payne, John. 1762-1762. Prince Georges Co., Md.. shipwright or boat builder --blacksmith --carpenter -- |
24 |
Piles, Basil. 1761-1767. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith -- |
25 |
Reed, John. 1745-1745. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith -- |
26 |
Richards, Edward. 1775-1775. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter -- |
27 |
Robinson, Charles. 1754-1754. Prince Georges Co., Md.. shipwright or boat builder -- |
28 |
Sherlard, Nathaniel. 1755-1755. Prince Georges Co., Md.. carpenter -- |
29 |
Snowden's Iron Works. 1790-1818. Prince Georges Co., Md.. iron works (or owner) -- |
30 |
Suit, Thomas W. (LANHAM,BENJ.). 1818-1819. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith apprentice -- |
31 |
Tucker, George. 1765-1765. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith -- |
32 |
Waggoner, John. 1814-1814. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith -- |
33 |
Weldon, John. 1753-1753. Prince Georges Co., Md.. weaver -- |
34 |
West, Stephen. 1763-1790. Prince Georges Co., Md.. gunsmith --locksmith -- |
35 |
White, John. 1807-1807. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith -- |
36 |
Wigfull, Matthew. 1748-1748. Prince Georges Co., Md.. cutler -- |
37 |
Williams, George. 1741-1741. Prince Georges Co., Md.. blacksmith -- |
38 |
Young, Robert. 1789-1796. Prince Georges Co., Md.. surveyor -- |