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Main Indexes Location Northampton Co., N.C.
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Location: Northampton Co., N.C. (118)

records per page
# Name
101 Tadlock, Joel (d.c.1820). 1820-1820. Northampton Co., N.C.. turner --
102 Tadlock, Thomas. 1757-1757. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
103 Turner, Clear (d.c.1800). 1800-1800. Northampton Co., N.C.. chairmaker (seating) --
104 Vasser, Willis (d.c.1827). 1827-1827. Northampton Co., N.C.. chairmaker (seating) --
105 Vaughan, William. 1779-1779. Northampton Co., N.C.. turner --
106 Veal, John. 1781-1781. Northampton Co., N.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
107 Veal, Richard. 1781-1781. Northampton Co., N.C.. silversmith (or jeweller) --
108 Walden, Drury. 1821-1821. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
109 Warren, Michael (d.c.1817). 1817-1817. Northampton Co., N.C.. cabinetmaker --
110 Warren, Robert. 1813-1819. Northampton Co., N.C.. bricklayer --painter --plasterer --
111 Warwick, Job (d.c.1801). 1801-1801. Northampton Co., N.C.. chairmaker (seating) --
112 Wells, William (POWELL,THOMAS). 1793-1793. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter apprentice --
113 West, Barnaba. 1821-1821. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
114 White, Thomas. 1776-1789. Northampton Co., N.C.. cabinetmaker --
115 Williams, Matthew. 1745-1745. Northampton Co., N.C.. blacksmith --
116 Williams, Thomas(CHAMBLESS,D.). 1793-1793. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter apprentice --
117 Winborne, James (d.c.1824). 1824-1824. Northampton Co., N.C.. chairmaker (seating) --
118 Wornum, Samuel. 1813-1813. Northampton Co., N.C.. carpenter --
records per page