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Main Indexes Location Accomack Co., Va.
Indexes allow you to see what types of metadata are present in the collection, what values ​​they take, and how many and which publications are marked by these values​​.


Location: Accomack Co., Va. (188)

records per page
# Name
1 Allin, Henry. 1680-1701. Accomack Co., Va.. joiner (unspecified) --turner --
2 Ames, Richard. 1803-1804. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
3 Ames, Shepherd (STAKES, WM.). 1810-1810. Accomack Co., Va.. bricklayer apprentice --
4 Anderson, Teige. 1671-1697. Accomack Co., Va.. turner --
5 Ashby, George. 1803-1815. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
6 Ashby, John. 1774-1782. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
7 Ashby, Robert. 1802-1802. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
8 Badger, Charles (SHIELD,JAMES). 1804-1804. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
9 Barnes, John. 1678-1693. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
10 Barnes, John. 1709-1709. Accomack Co., Va.. weaver --
11 Barnes, Spencer. 1773-1798. Accomack Co., Va.. turner --
12 Belote, John (DOWNING,FRANCIS). 1807-1807. Accomack Co., Va.. chairmaker (unspec.) appr. --
13 Benston, Francis. 1667-1709. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
14 Benston, William. 1690-1704. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
15 Betote, Jesse (WHITE, WILLIAM). 1801-1801. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
16 Beverly, Robert. 1674-1674. Accomack Co., Va.. surveyor --
17 Blake, Thomas. 1688-1690. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
18 Blake, William (WATTS,WILLIAM). 1804-1804. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
19 Bloxsome, Woodman. 1799-1805. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
20 Bloxsome, Woodman(TATHAM,JOHN). 1805-1805. Accomack Co., Va.. blacksmith apprentice --
21 Bloxum, John. 1676-1713. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
22 Bonewell, Thomas. 1696-1696. Accomack Co., Va.. blacksmith --
23 Bonwell, Levin (TAYLOR,ROBERT). 1804-1804. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
24 Booth, Elijah. 1783-1783. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
25 Bowles, Thomas. 1668-1674. Accomack Co., Va.. millwright --
26 Brookes, John. 1674-1687. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
27 Bruce, James. 1641-1645. Accomack Co., Va.. shipwright or boat builder --
28 Bull, Richard. 1781-1785. Accomack Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
29 Bundick, Richard. 1679-1700. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
30 Bunting, William P.(MELSON,J.). 1803-1803. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
31 Bunting, William. 1678-1697. Accomack Co., Va.. blacksmith --
32 Burrows, Thomas. 1678-1678. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
33 Cameron, Evander. 1808-1808. Accomack Co., Va.. cabinetmaker --
34 Carter, Paul. 1680-1680. Accomack Co., Va.. painter --
35 Chambers, Richard. 1665-1670. Accomack Co., Va.. blacksmith --
36 Chandler, Thomas. 1803-1803. Accomack Co., Va.. chairmaker (unspecified) --
37 Chapman, Nicholas. 1664-1684. Accomack Co., Va.. gunsmith --blacksmith --
38 Clayton, Dennis. 1818-1818. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
39 Cluff, Benjamin. 1804-1804. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
40 Colvert, George(FOWKES,THOMAS). 1680-1680. Accomack Co., Va.. ship/boat builder appr. --carpenter apprentice --
41 Conway, Edwin. 1688-1688. Accomack Co., Va.. surveyor --
42 Copes, Charles (CAMERON, E.). 1808-1808. Accomack Co., Va.. cabinetmaker apprentice --
43 Cornwell, William. 1814-1820. Accomack Co., Va.. millwright --inventor --
44 Cropper, John. 1667-1677. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter --
45 Cutler, Richard. 1675-1712. Accomack Co., Va.. weaver --
46 Cutter, George (RODGERS, LEVI). 1798-1798. Accomack Co., Va.. ship/boat builder appr. --
47 Davis, John (WHITE, WILLIAM). 1807-1807. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
48 Dewey, George. 1669-1696. Accomack Co., Va.. counterfeiter --
49 Donis, Arthus. 1688-1688. Accomack Co., Va.. millwright --
50 Douglas, Walter (TARR, GEORGE). 1803-1803. Accomack Co., Va.. carpenter apprentice --
records per page