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Trade: master builder --architect -- (9)
# |
Name |
1 |
Ariss, John. 1749-1763. Westmoreland Co., Va.. master builder --architect -- |
2 |
Cary, Henry. 1719-1748. Henrico Co., Va.. master builder --architect -- |
3 |
Delony, Lewis. 1722-1743. Surry Co., Va.. master builder --architect -- |
4 |
Eaton,. 1790-1790. Easton, Md.. master builder --architect -- |
5 |
Hadfield, George. 1798-1822. Washington, D.C.. master builder --architect -- |
6 |
McCutchan, George. 1784-1785. Baltimore, Md.. master builder --architect -- |
7 |
Nichols, William. 1807-1810. Chowan Co., N.C.. master builder --architect -- |
8 |
Vidler, Edward. 1785-1786. Annapolis, Md.. master builder --architect -- |
9 |
Vidler, Edward. 1791-1792. Easton, Md.. master builder --architect -- |