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Location: Uniontown, Md. (7)
# |
Name |
1 |
Baker, (Holland &). 1815-1815. Uniontown, Md.. cabinetmaker -- |
2 |
Christ, Jacob. 1817-1818. Uniontown, Md.. cabinetmaker -- |
3 |
Holland & Baker. 1815-1815. Uniontown, Md.. cabinetmaker -- |
4 |
Little, David. 1814-1814. Uniontown, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker -- |
5 |
Thomas, Jacob R.. 1814-1815. Uniontown, Md.. windsor chairmaker --painter --sign or herald painter |
6 |
Thomas, John E.. 1812-1815. Uniontown, Md.. windsor chairmaker --turner --chairmaker (seating) -- |
7 |
Wolf, Jacob. 1818-1818. Uniontown, Md.. clockmaker or watchmaker -- |